18 - scrapbook

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Recently, aside from soccer, Calum and the boys have been getting a lot more gigs for their band. Christmas break is in a few days and they have too many to count. 

I've been going to all their practices so far and then Michael and I go get coffee afterwards. The Christmas season is upon us and it's my favorite time of the year. I love the sweaters and the peppermint hot chocolate and then boots with the high socks. I love how you can see your breath in the morning and how it's sometimes too cold to feel your own fingers. 

I get so lost thinking about the wonderful things. My favorite part of all time is the gifts. I love being able to create things and give them to people. I love giving. It's part of my personality. 

I started to print out my pictures, all the ones that were on my camera. I already had a whole wall filled of them, just as a typical teen girls would. There were tons of Calum and of both of us. There were so many of the group and thousands of Steven and I. It was like my own little wall of life. It had the day I was at the fair and te pictures I kept taking of Calum. I smiled at all of them. I really missed that day. I missed when it was just us. It's really hard when I have to share him with another girl.

I was getting my gifts ready for the boys. I was personalizing scrapbooks for them. That was my gift. My family was invited over for a Christmas party that was tomorrow night and I was half way done with the last one: Calum.

I had done the others quickly. Micheal's was purple. I don't know why but that's what I thought of when I was picking them out for him. Inside there were splotches of paint, stickers, and stupid captions. There were also words around the pictures pointing out stupid things about the backgrounds or their expressions, or anything else I found that was funny.

Luke's was red. It had a bleached fade to it and it was kind of leather. Inside I did the same thing with it that I did to Michael. I put hearts around pictures of him and Sariah and made everything so comical.

I was going to make one for Ashton, but I didn't have a lot of pictures for him. Instead I made a mix tape of my favorite songs that i've found over the year. That's always the only thing we seemed to talk about anyways. He was a music geek and I appreciated it a lot so we got on well, we just weren't as close as we should be. He's my sisters boyfriend.. I didn't think I could get any closer anyways.

Calum's was blue. I could say that I put a lot more time into it than the others just to make it perfect. I added full on captions to each pictures and what they were. I included where they were and what we were doing that day. I wrote why I took the picture and what situation or conversation it got me out of. I also put some of my nature photography in as well just to decorate it more. I made it more personal than the others.

I got Sariah a beautiful necklace that I found for a good price at a jewelry store. It had an S on it with a diamond on the two ends of the S. 

Braelin got a homemade blanket of her favorite Disney characters. I shopped around and found a ton of Disney shirts and I gave it to a seamstress that I knew lived down the street. She made it for me and then gave it back a few days ago. 

I was still working on my parents give but I wouldn't give the gifts to them until Christmas morning. 


I was afraid my dress was too showy. I had black tights on but it was short. The gold fabric had shiny gold sequins covering the whole dress. I loved it and it made my body look so nice, something I never really noticed about myself before. The sleeves went down just below my elbows and the neck of the dress went to my collar bone. I wore a black heals and held a black clutch that looked like a tiny box. I had dark eye shadow on that Steven showed me how to do and I was ready.

I grabbed my gifts and heard my mom call that Michael was here. He was picking me up for the party. I walked down stairs and he was looking in the mirror. He was running his fingers lightly through his hair because it was slicked back. 

He wore a nice blazer, his typical black skinny jeans and a white button up. It was different from his everyday punk rock look. And the Hemmings invitation clearly stated that it was semi-formal and I'm sure Liz made it clear that Michael would have to as well. 

"You look amazing" He looked me up and down.

"Thanks, you look great yourself." I smiled.

"I look ridiculous." He rolled his eyes. He actually looked hotter than ever. 

"You look good" I bit my lip to try to hide my big smile. I blushed a bit and he widened his eyes. I don't think he realized I noticed but he seemed completely and utterly infatuated with the fact that I bit my lip. especially since I have bright red lipstick on, my lips look a lot bigger. He didn't stop looking at them until we got to the car.

"My parents are going to be a bit late and I didn't want to waste the gas if you were driving" I told him.

"I'm glad I got to pick such a beautiful girl up." Michael complimented me "Really, you look incredibly...."

"Hot?" i looked at him, expecting him to say that.

"Perfect." He looked at me. I could tell there was something growing between us because I actually forgot Calum for a few minutes. It was just him and I. 

"thank you" I smiled.

His arm was resting on the middle consul and I reached over and grabbed his hand. I could tell he was smiling at the gesture.

We finally arrived and there was an obvious tree in the front window. It was beautifully decorated with lights, as was his house. The ornaments beamed because of the lights and you could see people behind it laughing and holding glasses in their hand filled with different liquids.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I smiled and grabbed the bags of gifts.

"Let me help" He said. We walked in and I set the gifts down in a separate room from the others. I would have us all open them up together, just us.

I walked back out and as soon as I entered the room, Calum stood there by himself. He saw me from across the room and looked me up and down. I looked him up and down and realized what ever I thought I had forgotten about, I just now remembered. 

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