Chapter 1 ♕ New Roommates

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Atmosphere's P.O.V:

Los Angeles always seemed to be a beaming city; filled with light and life, but for some odd reason it wasn't at this moment. Heavy rain pour down onto the sleeping city, and every once in a while lightning struck the ground with a deadly force. It was almost like Mother Nature was trying to send us a message... a warning message.

A sigh left my full lips as I stood behind these giant gates that were protecting a pearl white mansion, "Hopefully, I don't regret this." I whispered to myself.

My trembling hand pulled out my phone from my back pocket and quickly dialed the only number I will ever know by heart, Jake's. I slowly placed my iPhone 8 against my right ear and silently waited for Jake to pick up.

After a couple of rings, a familiar voice answered, "Appna, long time no see. What's up?" I could hear the excitement in his voice through the phone.

A small smile appeared on my slightly oval face, "Hey! Are you busy at the moment?" I asked.

"No, why?" He asked, "Wait, are you standing outside? Cause I can hear that crazy storm that's going on. Wait a minute..." He paused for a couple of seconds, "Are you in town?!" He questioned, causing me to bite down on my bottom lip.

"Do you mind opening the gates?" I awkwardly asked. A short gasp left his mouth before he hung up on me.

The gates made a screeching sound before they slowly started to open, "Appna!" Jake yelled over the heavy rain before attacking me into a long awaited hug.

"Jake!" I squealed with joy as I tightened my grip around my childhood best friend.

The sound of thunder above us caused him to pull away, "Oh my gosh, I need to get you inside." He slightly freaked out, before dragging me into his place.

My dark emerald eyes wander around the place, "Oh my gosh." I gasped as I dropped my soaking wet duffel bag onto the marble floor.

"Jeez, how long were you standing out there?" Jake asked as he stared at my soaking body.

"I don't know." I mumbled as I slowly took a step forward.

Jake grabbed my bag from the marble floors, "This way." He said, before pulling me up the steps and into his room.

I quietly stood in the middle of his messy room, "Jake..."

He interrupted me, "Is this everything you own?" He questioned me as he eyed my duffle bag.

"Yeah it is." I sighed.

His chocolate eyes meet mine, "Woah, who did this to you?" He asked, before towering over me.

"Just some stupid guy who was trying to steal my stuff. But don't worry, he looks a lot worse than me." I lied as he still examined my black eye.

If I told Jake the truth about who really gave me this black eye, he would go crazy. And I just didn't want him to at the moment. I'm better off hiding the truth from him for the sake of his mental state.

A small smile appeared on his perfectly sculpted face, "You always were a fighter." He laughed, before gently removing his fingers from my face.

"Only when I needed to be." I whispered, causing that famous smile of his to be replaced with a frown.

"So, what is going on?" He asked, "Cause I know for a fact that you aren't just visiting."

Player ♕ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now