Plan B

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They were taking me somewhere. I don't know where. Everything was fuzzy, the walls were fuzzy gray, the floor was fuzzy gray, and the forms dragging me God knows where were fuzzy black.

The last thing I remembered was Maryse (I call her Riley) leaving the flat to go get groceries. I pushed through a mental barrier and remembered what happened next. A man grabbed my arm and injected something into it. Memory loss, sedative, probably Midazolam. Oh jeez, they whacked me over the head too, completely unnecessary.

The forms threw me into a room with white washed walls. Please not another lab. I smelled antiseptic, and as my vision slowly returned, I saw a steel table in the center of the room. No. Not again. never agian. Plan A was run. Plan A was not applicable here. I had to let go. I felt my muscles relax, it was like falling asleep except the dreams were real. I reached for the beast within. Everyone has one. Mine was just stronger.

A scientist (HATE THEM) stepped in front of me. He leaned forward and said, "Hello, my name's Doctor Jones, your going to be staying with us for a while."

Not if I can help it, mother fucker. My eyes went red and he took a step back, "How much sedative did you give her?"

"60 milligrams, sir."

"You fool! I told you to give her 70!", he pulled out a syringe. 

Too late. My muscles expanded and I handed over control to the beast within.


Bruce and Tony were arguing. Tony was the only person who would ever risk arguing with Bruce.

"I told you that it would be a bad idea to bring her in against her will.", Bruce said.

"She never would have come."

"We could have told her that we had her friend."

"She never would have believed us."

"We have voice technology."

"And then what would happen? She'd just find out the truth anyway."

"Yes, but she'd be here and pissed instead of here and seriously freaked out."

"It's too late now, we have her friend in the land base and her here."

The helicarrier shook and a massive roar followed. Bruce grinned, "I told you so."


I watched as I turned to the right. No one was trying to stop me. Wiggins. These soldiers must be exceptionally well trained. I stopped and turned around. There was something there. I couldn't see it, but I sensed it. It was big and was coming my way.

The metal in the wall split and I was thrown backwards. A big, bulky green thing walked towards me. I stood and tensed as it approached. I was inwardly screaming in terror, but my monster took the creature as a challenge. I roared and it stopped. Holy shit, it's the Hulk. I'm fucked.

The Hulk bellowed and charged. I ran the other way. Whoa, my monster is actually agreeing with me. That's not a good thing. Before I knew I was fucked, now I know I'm really fucked.

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