Chapter 7

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So at first, i thought I had misheard and was now hallucinating due to my lack of sleep and wriggled uncomfortably in my bed then covered myself wholly with the duvet. A few seconds passed silently and i thought i had overcomed hallucinating but i heard something hit the window pane again. I was frustrated; first Dwayne, then Bethany, and then some unknown object! I reluctantly stood up and headed for the window. I shifted the flower-print drape that hung over the window and looked down. The black hair and blue t-shirt, DWAYNE!

I opened the window and pulled the crossest face i could and asked him what he was doing there and i could actually hear the coldness in my voice.


NOTHING! Nothing disturbed my sleep???

"I just wanted to see where you were staying." He said with an annoying smug smile spread across his face.

"Well, congratulations, you've finally attained the level of being called a stalker."

"I'm not stalking you." He retorted.

"Then go!"

"Well, some people need to learn to be nice." he said and i was so infuriated, i simply shut the windows angrily and stumped to my bed. I never saw him again until some time later...


Back at the Briggs residence

James Briggs wriggled around his bed as he listened to the humming birds and let his eyes adjust to the light streaming from his window before standing up. His bedside clock reminded him it he had woken too early but he stood anyway and headed for the door. On a normal day, he would have heard sounds proving to him that he wasn't living in a graveyard but the house was quiet. He looked like he hadn't slept at all but just got through some seven hours of sleep.

"Hmmm! I wonder why the house is this quiet, has Joan not gotten up yet? She always made it out of bed first, everytime for the past six years...looks like I beat it to Her today. I better go wake Her," James said to himself and walked out of the room.

its almost 7:30am and she has got a competition to honour and win today.

Door creaks open and what James sees freaks Him...

A clean sweep...she had moved out under his watch.

Oh no! I should have anticipated this, She left without me knowing, ok...I've got to call Matt right away. This job is more important than getting Kate stay out for good.

Now where is that damn thing called a phone, this room is out of sorts..I could use some help here.

....MAID!...MAID! What are you getting paid for. This parlour is in a mess...where have you been anyway? And do you have any Idea where my mother is, I need to talk to her right now!.(He was looking so angry and pacy)

His mom walked through the isle in such lazy gait...what's the fuss all about James? I'm sure there's nothing serious for you to ask of me with such urgency.

(Maid dismissed )

Lost for words, I was thinking of what to say to my mum. Had our plan failed now...NO! It couldn't have!

I spent so much time planning and thinking this through for it to come crashing now.

I didn't know what to do or say,just amazed at her guts-I had to be strong anyway, what else could I do.

Yeah, there's my phone. Now I can call Matt and inform him of the latest developments.

...And why were you asking for me James? you haven't told me yet and you look so tense. By the way, I checked Joans room on my way and its all cleared out. What don't I know?

Yeah mum! I was trying to say but you wouldn't give me a chance to talk.

He came close to her and whispered: I think Joan has eloped...and by the look of things missing from Her room, its gotta be far from here.

I knew she had noticed our misgivings of late and she's got to be smart to pull that off. James lashes back in amusement "Is that all you got to say ma?" We let her slip right under our noses .

Well James, that's not a problem nor is it a time to panic. The police cannot get involved so we have to get Matt to switch primary target to Joan instead of Kate.


Back at His hotel, Matts cell phone rings.

Who is this He says with a sleepy eye'.

Its James Briggs.

Have you forgotten the job I sent you on, I guess you didn't save my number but that's by the way.

There has been some delays, necessary delays Matt. We've lost Joan. We let her slip right under our noses and we don't know anything about her whereabouts.

That's a big loss Mr. James!

Yeah, we know that so we want you to switch primary target status and track our girl down immediately.

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