Finding Myself

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'Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!'
That's All I ever think about!
But I looked in the mirror today
but it was empty and gray.

'Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!'
I know everything about 'ME.'
Who am 'I'?

'I' am not arrogant nor boastful
'I' am not selfish nor cruel
'I' am simply surviving
But 'I' have no promises for 'me'

'Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!'
You would think 'I' sang opera!
'I' battles a war with 'me'
But 'I' have given up.

Josie fights the two souls inside herself

One has to be pried from the mirror
The other can't stand to look

I looked in the mirror today.
All I could see was 'me.'
I have no idea where 'I' went to..

Josie is fighting
She might not win but will die trying
She may be torn and tired
But she will never give up.

Josie, 'I', and 'Me.'
All compiled into one person
One Body.
One Soul.
One Mind.

All trying to find 'myself.'

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