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Sup guys.

Okay so a few things:

1.) I am so sick and so weak. I have no energy. I honestly have no strength or whatever to do anything... including updating.

2.) I dropped my phone in water and it broke so I have to update off of my iPod for now. I dont know the password for this account so my iPod is my only option. Wow do I feel like Nash with his broken phone XD

3.) IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN ALMOST LIKE 2 WEEKS :( :( :( I'll try to update more often but I have been really busy with school and sports and such so please just bare with me here.

Hopefully I can have a chapter out by Friday or sometime over the weekend :D Okay thats it.

Sorry if you thought this was an update or whatever XD

Stalk me on Twitter:


Okay thank youxx

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