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"Kya aapko ye nikah qubool hai "?
(Do you agree for this Marriage )
The priest asked him  .

He said a "Yes" ,
it happened for 2 more times .

Then the priest asked me same question , I was speechless

My heart was beating loudly , I know he don't want to do this , but we can't do anything , the inspector & his force are here , we can't leave , because otherwise they will call our family to police station , which I don't want .

Also I don't want to say a "yes" as for me it matters . Although we are HINDU and it's going via MUSLIM traditions but , it matters to me .

The priest asked me again this time a bit loudly .

I felt his fingers entangling with mine , pressing my palm assuringly .

I was unable to speak , words were not forming inside my mouth , so I just nodded , in agreement .

It repeated for two more times then ,
"You may see you each other now  "
He said placing a mirror on the table just below our faces .


As I looked in mirror , I saw the most beautiful lady I have ever seen .
Now I noticed how beautiful she was looking in that green attire with jewellery and all .

For a moment I forgot to take breath , she too lifted her eye lashes & we shared a mini eye contact , bringing an unknown smile on my face .

"Insha Allah , ya wallah "
We heard a loud voice of all the priest chanting together , ending the wedding .


Hey guys ....
I don't know much about Muslim traditions , wedding ceremony , etc...

But I tried my best to write the wedding part .

Tell me if you wants to read this story further .

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