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We left from there , none of us spoke anything , I was driving , she was sitting beside me in the car , our hands still handcuffed .

"Stop the car "
She said , & I stopped immediately , looked at her questioningly .

"There "
She said pointing out of window .

I looked in the direction of her finger and found a shop . We moved to it and got our hands free with the help of a blacksmith , whom I have paid a large amount as initially he was denying , saying it's related to police and all that stuff .

" Auto "
She shouted , to a passing auto .

"Where are you ..."

She cut me off by saying ,
"My home "

I was speechless , I didn't know hat to say , I stood there still looking at her and she went , leaving a alone standing me , on the silent road , with a very few vehicles passing by  .

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