Your First Fight

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Requested by: @littlebitofnothing

Warning: Cussing and an angry almost make-out session. I usually don't put a warning and just hope you know but ehhhh...


This wasn't good at all... okay so today was going great it was sunny and people were laughing and joking as they ate dinner. No one would have thought that there was a zombie apocalypse going on right now. It wasn't until the middle of the night you were awake (which is no surprise) when some Zombies got through the gate which meant someone had to go close the gate and kill the what looked like only two so far got in.

So what to do...

Now usually if this happened Lawrence and Ethan would deal with this but everyone was asleep Ethan was sick so waking him up was out of the question and Lawrence needed his sleep or else he would be grumpy in the morning, so you thought 'Hey it's only two zombies, I can deal with this myself' and you actually listened to yourself...

You are now outside and had just closed the gate and is now looking for the Zombies "Now let us see, where could my most favorite creatures in the world have gone..." you whispered carefully walking both in fear of the zombies and waking up someone up. You held the crowbar close to you as you walked around outside and it was a good couple of minutes until you actually found them both at an okay enough distance where you could take one down and not worry about the other one killing you within those seconds. You easily took them both down but right when you turned around there was a Zombie right in front of you. You were so shocked that you couldn't move.

Right as you thought you were going to die the zombie just fell to the ground, and right there was Lawrence... looking more pissed than ever.

You were now inside sitting in the conference room, outside the sun had just started going up so by your calculations it is about 5 in the morning, with Lawrence yelling at you and you trying to hold back tears.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!??? You could have gotten hurt or worse killed! What made you think that doing this in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT all by YOURSELF WAS SMART?! In case you've forgotten this is a ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD we are living in and doing stupid things are NOT going to help you!" This is the most he has ever held at you and not only were you scared, tired and feeling guilty you were also feeling embarrassed cause some of the guys started waking up and were just awkwardly looking at you two. "I'm sorry Lawrence I really am I guess I wasn't thinking correctly at that moment in time... it needed to be done and I felt as if I needed to..." Your voice started out strong but somehow ended weak and just above a whisper.

"Yeah well, that was some stupid shit you just did. The worst part is you didn't tell anyone, you didn't tell ME. I'm your boyfriend, I'm the group leader and I care for you but how the HELL am I supposed to protect you if you're running from me and to the danger instead of away." Your voice now way below a whisper "I'm really sorry Lawrence..." he looks at you, his face scarier than ever and his voice stern "Yeah well say I haven't woken up... Sorry wouldn't have brought you back now would it."

You were now in your room trying to sleep since Lawrence sent you to your room since you didn't sleep a lot. The worst part is, is that the small argument was still lingering in your head and it would for a while.

(Sorry this one was so long but hopefully y, you enjoyed???👌👌)


You have never seen Ethan so pissed. Of course, you kinda deserved getting yelled at right now and you really thought he would but oh no. Countless times he's told you not to wander the halls alone, so what did you do?? Wonder the halls alone at night without telling anyone and without a weapon. Of course, nothing happened for you to get hurt other than you slipped but still. But usually, when Ethan's mad he'd give a few words of how to avoid a situation or maybe fix it or maybe even a long stern lecture of why not to set things on fire outside... yeah that happened *coughs*.

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