❀[CHAPTER 1 : Darling] ❀

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┏   ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Relationships ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙   ┐

      ʚAaron x Lily
      ʚKenmmur x Emmalyn

└                                                    ┛


           Author Notes & Credits

So listen darlings this plot was written in
2015-2016, during which time ships where
different... when the fandom was divided by
Laurmau and Garmau. Are some of you wondering
what Lily x Aaron is? If you aren't from MCD
days I wouldn't suspect you to know. Lily is
Aaron's deceased wife when he was the lord
of Falcon claw. This story is based off the song
"I Know What You Did Last Summer" by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello.

COVER ART: [Jettnight's Diviant Art|https://www.deviantart.com/zayrenvie?rnrd=271473]


  ┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

      ❀[CHAPTER 1 : Darling] ❀

  └─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

"Laurance?!" Aphmau screams from their bedroom. Throwing clothes around searching for her phone charger.

"What babe?!" She hears him holler from downstairs. Muttering profanities at something. Most likely a game she remarks to herself.

"Where did you put my phone charger?!" She asks, a bit angry he misplaced it again."

"Uhh... I put it on our night stand!"

"WELL, It's not here!" Aphmau replies throwing more things around the room.

Laurance and her were supposed to leave 45 minutes ago. They were supposed to meet their friends at Tu'La forest to find cabins for the summer. It was always first come first served so they planned to get there five hours before other campers arrived.

"Aphmau, I swear I put it there last night." Laurance says, walking into the room and looking at the chaos she'd caused to their bedroom.

"Laurance Zvhal, we were supposed to leave an hour ago." She glares at him.

"Aphmau, I've literally been waiting for you downstairs for 45 minutes!" He whines shuffling through the nightstand drawers on his side of the bed.

"You've been playing on the console downstairs for 45 minutes! I packed your stuff for you- AH HA FOUND IT!" Aphmau shouts in victory doing a little happy dance.

Chuckling to himself, Laurance watches his girlfriend do her silly dance.

Strong arms wrap around her waist engulfing her in a warm embrace.

"You ready now my love?" Laurance asks smiling against the skin of her neck.

Blushing deeply, she shifts out of his arms. Laurance mimicking a pained look at her as she slips out of his grasp.

"Don't give me that look!" Aphmau laughs stuffing her phone charger into her duffle bag.

"You know we have to get going," she walks towards him giving him a quick kiss before smiling when he tries to deepen it.

"-M-Make sure to turn off the lights I'm going to put this in the truck!" Aphmau says skipping down the stairs excitedly.

Laurance amused with his girlfriends teasing complies. Lightly chucking to himself as he cleans up her mess.

While cleaning he finds an old photo from 6 years ago. Their first camping trip together with the group. In the photo the guys where all chasing the girls with water guns. Laurance specifically targeting Aphmau.

He quietly smiles at the photo, many things happened that summer he would never forget. Including the following years after that. With every year bringing him closer to Aphmau till three years ago when they decided to start dating. They've never been closer since.

Laurance folds the photo neatly sticking it into his pocket. Sighing to himself as he continues to clean.


"Aphmau-Sama, Dante-Kun and Kawaii-Chan are almost there. When are you arriving at the camp?" Kawaii-Chan's voice asks through the phone.

"Uh we're about 15 minutes away- Laurance you missed the exit again." Aphmau complains, slightly laughing at his second attempt to exit the freeway.

Laurance growls in frustration muttering to himself.

"Aphmau-Sama, when are you arriving I didn't catch that?" Kawaii-Chan asks.

"15 minutes tops? Well if casanova here can get off the freeway-"

Laurance glances quickly at Aphmau. His stare held a glare that quieted her sending excited shivers down her spine.

"I thought you said you wouldn't let Laurance-Kun drive this time Aphmau?" Kawaii-Chan asks.

"Kawaii-Chan you know I can't resist that stupid adorable face he makes when he wants something!" Aphmau complains defeated she sighs into the phone. A hand brushing over hers the hand wrapping around her little one. Aphmau looks to Laurance but he's looking straight ahead at the road.

"Kawaii-Chan knows," she giggles more, Aphmau distinctly hearing Dante asking for directions.

"So who's  coming this year?" Aphmau asks curiously.

"As far as Kawaii-Chan knows... Everyone from  high school but Logan and Donna. We have more people this year so we can't split the cabins into girls and boys this year.

"Really? Everyone is coming." Aphmau asks tense, she grips Laurance's hand a little tighter.

"Yeah, why... are you worried about Michi?..."

"No! No... it's just... don't tell me the solution will be what we did the first year..." Aphmau asks skeptically.

"What?- Oh! When we drew sticks, who did you end up with that year Aphmau-Sama?"

"I think it was Kenmmur, Zane, And Lucinda. We were cabin Omega." Aphmau remembers happily.

"I was cabin Alpha." Laurance remarks.

"Oh yeah! Katelyn was in your cabin that year, so were Garroth and Aaron."

"Do you think we should just put the couples together?" Aphmau asks Kawaii-Chan sheepishly.

She was answered in fangirling noises.

"That would make sense." Laurance says.

"Oh! Dante-Kun and Kawaii-Chan just got to the meeting place! See you soon!" Kawaii-Chan says before hanging up.

Aphmau laughs lightly to herself, how was it she was surrounded by such wonderful people.

"I really am lucky to have you Laurance, and everyone else too of course." She says happily staring at her love.

Laurance pausing a moment from looking at the road steals a quick glance at his girlfriend. Deciding to bring her knuckles to his lips kissing them gently.

"Laurance?..." She asks quietly.

"Hmm?" He reply's his hand still in hers.

"You missed the exit again."




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