Chapter 17

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Angelina POV**

I'm so freaking excited. This 5k ring looks sexy on me shit. I can't wait to tell Nick and Katherine. They should probably be up its 2 pm. I'm gonna call anyways

"Hello?" Kat answers

"Hey you up?" I asked

"Yeah just putting groceries in the car with Nick. Wassup." She says

"Omfg he proposed last night, it's a 5k diamond ring." I said so fast. I could here Kat scream a little bit in the background, I could tell she was in the car cause the door shut.

"Omg Nick he proposed." She said

"That's my nigga. And Congrats Angel." He said

"Congratulation boo. Call me when y'all coming home." Kat said

"Kk. Love you." I said after we said our goodbyes.

"Babe!" Ethan yelled.

"Yeah!" I yelled from the room.

"Come." He said. I got up nd saw that he was holding something in his hands. Tears was coming.

"Wassup?" I said

"Open it." It was a small medium size box with a little holes in it, I was kind of scared

"What the hell is in this? It better not be no snake. Nigga is there a scorpion in this bitch?" I asked so scary and serious.

"Bae chill the hell out and open it." He chuckled. I was about to shake the box but he stopped me

"Just open it." I did at what he told me to and it was a baby pit bull, with blue eyes, white, and three brown spots on it.

"Oh my gosh, babe thank you!!! This is so cute." I said letting the puppy run around and kissing Ethan.

"Anything to spoil my baby, my fiancé, my one and only girl." He said making my eyes watery and that's why he know I'm his ROD (Ride Or Die).

"Come here puppy need something to eat." I said

"What should we name him?" I asked Ethan

"How about Andre?" Ethan said

"Fine with me. I'm gone spoil this puppy like it's my own." I said

"And we can one of our own too." Ethan said I giggled but he was serious.

"I guess baby." I said as I pecked his lips. We packed our stuff nd left. Ethan thought I was crazy for trying to get a small bed for the dog to sleep on in the back seat. So the dog is going to be on my lap with a small blanket the whole ride.

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