Lord have Mercey

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Picture of Ethan (Angelina Fiancé)

Ethan POV**

My bae is two months pregnant and she is craving for a lot of things. But that's bae though about to be wifey. She's my world and everything know what I'm saying mane. I decided to call to check on her to see if she was ok since I'm chilling at the trap house. I called twice but she didn't answer no needs to call the third time if she ain't answering the first and second time.

"Ight y'all I'm out my bae ain't answering the phone. Kaleb watch the trap for me and nick if something goes missing I'm blaming the ones that's not here or that looks really guilty." With that being said I grabbed my 9 and left and rushed home to my baby. I struggled to open the door. I walked in the house with my gun in my hand and walked upstairs, I put it away.

"Baby what's wrong with you." She asked sitting up rubbing her eyes

"Nothing I thought something was wrong with you because you didn't answer your phone." I replied calming down

"No I'm sorry. I didn't hear the phone ring." She said getting up brushing her tooth.

"Oh ok don't scare me like that." I pecked her on the lips and went back to the trap

Nick POV**

Katherine been acting very emotional, goofy, and angry. I don't know what's wrong with her, but she'd crazy I hope she's not pregnant.

"Can you go take a pregnancy test because your ass is acting very dumb." I laughed

"I'm not pregnant dummy, my period is on, ever heard of that." She replied in her duhh voice.

"Baby I love you.

You are my life.

The happiest moment

Is when you're by

My side." Katherine played Beyoncé Dangerously In Love. How do I know the name? Well because Angelina be singing it to her baby and it's stuck in Katherine head.

Angelina POV**

7 months later

"Oh my baby I need you to push harder." Ethan said nervous but excited

"Baby I pushing as hard as I can." I said as I pushed. I don't know but when you having a baby and in labor, your very bitchy!!

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