Chapter 7-Party (Not) Animals

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Maya's red car pulls up in front of Cameron's house. She and I walk out and say hello to some people that I have not seen in a hot minute.

"There are my girls!" Katy Johnson exclaims while she and Joslyn Anderson run up to us. I engulf them in huge hugs.

Although Maya and I are best friends, Katy, Joslyn, Maya, and I have been the four musketeers since Joslyn moved to Washington from New York in the 5th grade.

Joslyn is a petite brunette with a whole lot of talent and energy that can fit into that tiny body. She came out two years ago as gay and has been in a happy relationship with her girlfriend who is out in Arizona for college.

Katy is a tall African American with the perfect body and clearest skin. She could be a model, but she laughs whenever we tell her that. Her good looks attract the attention of people from everywhere. But, for her, that all distract from the main goal: Ivy League.

"How's the employment life treating you?" Joslyn asks.

"Great. The kids are a handful, but they're so sweet. And Ms. Jones is so nice," I respond.

"Anything else?" Joslyn asks again.

"Like what?" I inquire.

Katy throws her hands up in exasperation. "Joslyn, I can't with you."

"Then you say it," Joslyn gives up in defeat.

"Fuck it. We know you're working with Cole," Katy puts a hand on her hip

I deflate slightly.

"Does everyone know that?" I bite my nail.

This can't be happening. I've already had rumors spiral about me before. I can't have more. I just cannot.

Katy nods her head. "But unlike everyone, we know that you guys can't just be playing patty cake with the babies and drinking green tea with the boy, so spill now."

So I do. I give them the same story I gave Maya in our car ride.

"Well, how do you feel about it?" Joslyn asks.

I give her the same answer I gave Maya too.

"He's gonna be here. I mean they're cousins. Let's bounce. I don't even like these small parties. Her big ones are way more fun," Katy suggests.

The three of them may as well be mentally connected.

"No. Maya already tried to convince me and I'm not running." I cut in, "I spent two years of my life running away from him. Switched out of any class I had with him. Stopped talking to my friends who were his friends because I didn't want him to come up at any moment."

My friends nod their heads in remembrance of my years of hiding out from Cole.

"I already see him daily. It doesn't bother me. We're gonna be fucking seniors," I continue. "This is our last summer together before college. This summer is gonna be amazing and I'm not going to run anymore."

"Beautiful monologue, Meryl. Thank you. But, she's right. This summer needs to be great. Let's be fuckin' crazy," Maya says.

"Toast to that shit," Joslyn raises an imaginary glass.

"Let's get inside and get some beers and a juice box for Liv," Katy says.

Before we even take a step towards the door, a shiny, sleek, black car pulls in. Out walks a group of guys, some I recognize, some I don't.

From the driver's seat, Andrew walks out. Andrew is an old friend who I haven't talked to in a couple of years. He was in the group that dropped Cole off on the first day.

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