Dear Dream,

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Dear Dream,

I woke up with a start today. Me being a heavy sleeper and all. But I really wasn't in the mood for a tired arousal. For my heart was racing and my limbs were aching from a dream I've not quite had before. In the dream I was watching landscapes zoom past me like in a movie. But I know I've not seen a movie quite this scary. Trees and grass of green were blurred as I zoomed across the plane. Then I halted, my vision was 100 feet in the air as if I was hovering, looking down on a hoard of men, in suits of armor, and women, in ancient gowns. They were charging towards a castle. The scene cut to inside of the castle. The hoard of people were inside now, except the women were gone. The men, were cowering from the great beast that stand stock-still in the middle of a ballroom. An eerie deep sound played as my vision started upwards. And stopped on the head of the ugliest dragon you might ever see. 

When one brave soul went to step up forward, wobbling knees and all, the Dragon snapped into action and as if my mind couldn't handle the gore, it turned towards a wall where shadows of men being torn apart by the dragon lay playing. 

The scene shifted then to my High School, and instead of third person, I was on the ground, watching in horror as the Gym (the castle. I don't know why) exploded. The Dragon, with many more in tow, leaped out. My classmates and other high schoolers were running away too. Screaming loudly, yet not as loud as it should be in real life.

The first few people that were closest to the Dragon, were gobbled up. 

As if it knew who to kill next, the Dragon's face turned towards me. Though from a distance, I could see it's ember eyes trained on me. That was then that I started running. I got to the long hall way that cuts the middle of the whole school. Right when I started up, I saw two of my closest friends, running together. 

I heard them say, 'Come on, keep running.'

I guess they were talking to each other but I noticed that I stopped running. I didn't make the connection until after I woke up but I felt hurt that they left me. 

When they crossed the B wing hallway, fire shot across. And they instantly burned to dust. For some demented reason, I didn't cry. 

I heard the loud pounding of the Dragons foot steps getting near. I skidded to the side where the hallway had a double wall section where you could cross to the grass and get to class quicker.

The Dragon's foot steps were very, very close now. 

I wasn't going to class today. 

I hid behind the 2nd wall and stood. My back to the wall. When I could hear that the foot steps were right beside the wall I was hiding behind. I held my breath and looked above me. When I saw the scales of the Dragon, peeking over the top, I curled up into a little ball. No longer in first person, I watched in third person, as the Dragon swallowed me. 

That's when I woke up. 

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