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Dalgom's cameo role

Jisoo's nervous and frustrated at the same time... Dalgom is missing. They were playing at the park and after she buy ice cream, Dalgom was gone.

"Dalgom-ah! Where are you?" She was searching every part of the park but she still can't find Dalgom.

"Dalgom! Please, don't hide!" She also asked some people in the park if they ever saw her dog.

She was about to cry... she love Dalgom so much.

"Even you Dalgom? Don't leave me yaaaa! You're just the same." Jisoo bit her lower lip.

"I thought you're busy?" She turned her back and saw Bobby.

"W-What are you doing here?" Jisoo said trying not to stutter, but she actually did.

"I just want to relax and I saw Dalgom--" Jisoo's a lil bit surprised to hear her dog's name and got excited.

"Where is my Dalgom?" She looked down and saw Dalgom behind Bobby.

"Hmm... He keeps following me.." Bobby said not looking to Jisoo.

Jisoo carried Dalgom and check if something happens to him. "Dalgom-ah mianhae!"

Jisoo looks at Bobby. "Ah.. thank you!" Jisoo said, wearing a bitter smile.

"You said you're busy for your upcoming play right?" Oh crap, she's dead..

"Our practice.. hmm.. were cancelled. Yeh. That's why I.. got the opportunity to date with my Dalgom. So hmm.. It's Saturday tomorrow. We can start our project tomorrow. Ah, I also asked help from my girls and they said yes, they won't be busy tomorrow." Jisoo now crossing her fingers and hoping that the girls are not really busy tomorrow.

"That's good, our project's a lil bit hard and laborious. I'll also ask help from my friends. Ahh.. where are we going to do our project?" Okay, another problem...

"At my house."

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