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Hayi's confession

Jaewon and Hayi went to a cafe near their school. Jaewon crossed his arms and waiting for Hayi to speak.

"Aren't you going to speak or I'll leave?" Jaewon said. Hayi took a deep breathe before she finally speak.

"Look, first of all don't interrupt me for whatever I was going to say. Just listen." Jaewon nodded in response.

"Okay so hmm. I like Bobby since we became classmates but.. I know she loves Jisoo." Jaewon divert his gaze like why the fuck he agreed meeting with her if she was going to tell him on how she likes Bobby.

"Well that's what I thought that I really like him but it turned out that I was just admire him because I've never met a gentleman like him before." Hayi took a few sip of coffee before she continue.

"I realized all of that when you came. When you suddenly called me with that cringe endearment. When you'll always wait for me outside my classroom and walk me home. I didn't know where or when I started to feel like this but I'm certain.. I like you Jaewon.." Jaewon was pinching his hand under the table because he didn't expect this and he might be dreaming but turned out not. This is all real.

Jaewon stands up. Hayi looked down and cursing herself again on why did she even confess to him. She's becoming a pabo now and she hates that. She knew that anytime now, her tears will fall. She stopped thinking when she felt something on her neck. She turned her back and saw Jaewon who puts the necklace on her.

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