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Kai's hand was wrapped around my wrist as he siphoned away my magic. It was impossible for him to siphon any of The Hollow's power because her magic was something nobody could fully obtain without an intricate spell that had taken me years to suss out.

I winced and groaned in pain as he took my magic. I could feel it draining me. It felt the same as when I was pregnant with Theo and Lila, when they were siphoning from me.

After a minute, Kai let go and I stumbled backwards slightly, trying to catch my breath back. My eyes flicked upwards as I saw Kai cracking his neck and then he smirked at me, "I forgot how good that feels."

I felt light headed and I tried to regain focus as best as I could. When I looked back over to Kai, he had already shed his chains and was pushing them over his head.

I rushed towards the table with the ascendant on it and grabbed it. I turned around to see Kai pushing himself up with a frown, "Give me the ascendant, Cassie. Remember who has your magic now."

"You wouldn't hurt me." I responded, clutching the metal device.

Kai laughed, "And why is that?"

"I'm your only way out of here." I told him.

"It's pretty cute how you thought I'd believe you." Kai said, taking slow steps towards me, "You lied."

"I didn't lie." I stated.

"So you're really going to help me out of here?" Kai questioned, "Because right now that doesn't seem likely."

"I said I'd leave the ascendant on the table and pretend I didn't see it, I never said how long for." I responded, "Besides, only Bonnie, Lizzie or Josie are capable of taking someone in or out of this world."

His face became dark and his eyebrows crushed together, I knew what he was going to do. As he yelled a spell and thrust his hands in my direction, I vamp ran behind him, avoiding the magic.

Kai growled and spun to face me. I exhaled, "You really shouldn't waste that magic, it's all you've got."

"You're insufferable." He yelled.

"And now you know how everyone else feels about you." I said.

He threw his hands up again, "Pulso."

But I was quicker than he was and vamp ran back to the other side. I exhaled again and shrugged, "You really don't learn."

"What the hell do you want from me?" Kai yelled in anger as he spun to face me again.

I paused, letting him catch his breath, before I answered, "I already got what I wanted from you, Kai, but the universe still needs you."

"Why?" Kai asked, frowning, "Who needs me?"

"Don't you realise that you'd be dead by now if you weren't of some use?" I rhetorically questioned, "Have fun figuring out why until someone finally lets you out of this hellhole."

"No!" He clenched his jaw, "Give me the ascendant before I break every bone in your entire body."

"What's stopping you?" I asked, knowing he could try and hurt me if he really wanted to.

"I can't concentrate." He spoke, mostly to himself as he pressed his eyes shut, "What's happening to me?"

"Sounds like social isolation to me. Weakens the mind, the soul, the body, the power..."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Kai asked.

I shrugged lightly, "Just for some fun before I go, after all you did torture my friends, think of it as payback."

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