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"Are you okay?" Elijah asked, moving me back onto the bed whilst he knelt infront of me.

"The voices," I screwed my face up, "they're so loud."

"Look at me." He said in a soothing voice, so I did. We stared into each others eyes as he continued, "Focus. Breathe. You've been through this before, you can push the voices away."

I took in a deep breath through my nose before exhaling through my mouth, and then my brows pulled together in confustion, "Why are you helping me? The last time you saw me you killed me."

His expression remained in a concerned sad state. Elijah exhaled, "Cassie..."

I was still a little angry at him for the fact he could've stopped Hayley from dying, so my next word came out harsher than I expected, "What?"

He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes never leaving mine, "I'm sorry."

It fell silent as I processed his words. I huffed and pushed myself up from the bed, "I just want this damn thing to be over with."

I stumbled a little as I did but Elijah stood and held me steady, "Take it easy, just rest for a moment."

"I can't rest, Elijah." I told him, "This thing will not rest, not until it gets Hope again."

"How do you plan on ending this, Cassie?" Elijah asked, "Because just a few hours ago you killed yourself, and that... that can not happen again."

"You sound like you actually care." I retorted.

Elijah's expression altered and his eyebrows crinkled together, "I will always care about you, Cassie."

"You weren't saying that when you broke my neck, or when Hayley died, all you cared about was that woman." I exhaled a deep breath and shook my head, "I can't get into this, I need to focus on the Hollow."

I was beginning to walk away but Elijah grabbed my arm and spun me to face him, "That person you saw then was not me. That was someone without this family, this love. Along with my memories, I lost myself, and you were right, you were so damn right. I hate that you're always right."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips and he smiled, "I know what I did was unforgivable, not just what happened with Hayley, but what I did to you all those years ago, I am truly sorry."

I fell silent for a moment in thought before nodding once, "I know you are."

"Is there any way for me to help with the Hollow?" He asked.

"Stay safe." I responded, "We can't lose you again, this family is kinda a mess without you."

"Is that so?" Elijah questioned with a small grin.

"Kinda was an understatement." I said with a chuckle, and then it faded, "All I ever wanted was to keep my children safe and I just keep failing."

He shook his head at me, "You're not failing, not even close. I have watched you put yourself down for decades and none of it is even close to who you truly are. You are strong, brave, fearless, you are so much more than you realise, and you are an incredible mother, Cassie."

His words put a huge warmth inside of me. The thought of talking to Elijah again always filled me with dread, but this conversation made me realise that we could still be friends, or better yet, family.

"I know our relationship has been rocky from the start, but you are so important to me, Elijah." I told him, "So, when all of this is finally over, I want you to walk me down the aisle, I mean, if you will?"

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