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(Trailer starts off with Shredder attacking men in suits before taking nuclear weapons)

(Cuts to Splinter and Leo)

Leo : What do we do ?

Splinter : I know a man that can stop him

Leo: Your not thinking...

Splinter: He trailed Saki for 2 years, he knows what Saki is capable of.

Leo: But you fired him

(Shows Raph drinking Saki at an casino)

Splinter : To pervent war world 3 we must get him back !

Raph: Alright I'm in ! Where do I go ?

Splinter: You'll be going to Sengipo with Agent M, our newest Jr agent, he'll be your partner.

(Shows Mikey stopping an run away car and saving an kid )

Raph: And I'm okay with that at least it's not my brother

Leo: I am coming with you !

Raph: God damn it !

(Shows Raph driving an cool looking car)

(Shows Donnie demonstrating gadgets to Mikey)

Raph: Welcome to Singapore kid

(Shows an mission at an Wear house and the boys run into Karai a and Shinigami)

Mikey: (blushes) Y....your pretty

Shinigami : (smirks) Thank you

Mikey : Like a pretty leopard

Shinigami: Your too kind

Raph: kid I know I told you to elborat on how a girl is pretty because they like that but not an kouinich they don't deserve that satfastiction, they steal your heart and then rip it out ! Believe me it happens !

Shinigami: (lifts up an sword and gives him a death glare)

Raph: Oh your not an nice lady

Shinigami : I'll always keep you gussing (winks)

Splinter : If where going to take down Oroku Saki than we need to team up with H.A.M.A.T.O to take him out

S.H.E.L.L Agents and H.A.M.A.T.O Agents : You gotta be kidding me !!!!!

Mikey : Aw yeah international team up !

Raph: Man kid I wish I had your type of thinking but this is such an bad idea

(Shows Shinigami placing an bomb on a ship)

(Shows Karai kissing Leo in an hotel room)

(Shows Shinigami brutal punching Tigerclaw)

(Shows Karai on a mortcycle driving away from Saki's goons)

Donnie : Saki plans to use the nuclear weapons and launch them at France. He's gonna make it look like Japan and Russia had something to do with it.

Raph: That bastard is gonna start World war 3

Mikey : We have to  stop him 

Karai: That's why where here ! To stop him !

(Shows under water fights)

(Shows Raph dancing with Mona)

Omar Miller as Raphael James/Agent R

(Shows Mikey on a high speed boat Chase while trying to protect a kid while avoiding being fired at)

Greg Ciphes as Mikey Banks/Agent M

(Shows Leo throwing Stranko and himself out the window)

Seth Green as Leonardo James /Agent L

(Shows Donnie demonstrating gadgets especially the car)

Rob Paulson as Donnie / Agent D

(Shows Shinigami presenting her cards in front of Mikey)

Gwendolyn Yoe as Shinigami / Agent Triple S

(Shows Karai sneaking around)

Kelly hu as Karai/ Agent Serpent

(Shows Saki in an darken room, glaring at the Camrea)

Kevin Michael Richerson as Oroku Saki/ Shredder


Hoon Lee as Splinter

Samuel L Jackson as Jack Kurtzmen 

And Betty white as Mikey's grandma

(Shows Mikey tied down to table while a laser slowly nears towards him)

(Shows Karai and Shinigami tied to the nuclear missles)

(Shows a counter counting down)

Leo: Time isn't on our side 

Teenage ninja agents: The Ninja who loved me 

(Mikey Approches Raph and Leo in an airport)

Raph: (holds up a sign with Mikey's name on it)

Leo: Here he comes

Raph :  Is that kid with blond hair agent M ?

Leo: Yeah that's him, play it cool Raph

Raph: I can play it cool, I installed sound systems in my car for the kid. Kids like that

Mikey : (Looks at them) Apple pie topped with villina ice cream and cramil sauce ba ba ba

Raph: (confused) Well kid I bought you pizza in the car

Mikey:(panics) you don't know the code ?

Leo : (face palms)

Raph: Oh my side of the code makes senses now. Apple= trees=leaves= Fall

Mikey: (Sighs in relife) So your the S.H.E.L.L  Agents I'm suspose to help out on this mission ?

Raph: Yep stick with us kid where gonna bring you into spy business 101

Leo : (gives Raph the look)

Raph: Oh come on Leo, The codes gets really confusing !

Coming soon,

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