What I Want To Be

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I was asked what I want to be when I grow?
I answered I want to be a child again at which I'm pro.

I want back those days of my childhood,
When the only complain of ours was of uncompleted food.

I want to revisit those playgrounds,
Where the only work was to build sand mounds.

Scribbled walls are what I want to see
Which are now covered by the files in front of me.

Priorities changed from dancing in the rain to catching the train,
Will I ever be able to again pass that lane?

The life I live seems a bit duller, than
The time when important decision was to choose a colour.

Better was the sorrow of not buying that toy from the store,
Than the broken hopes that you can't take any more.

Less scarier was the nightmare scream,
Compared to the fear of a broken dream.

A friend coming first was a groups pride,
But now envy has taken over and that feeling has died.

As a kid growing big was my dream,
Living that, now seems like having tasteless cream.

I see kids playing out there, and
I try to find my childhood in theirs.

Sweet were those memories, sweet were those fairs,
Everytime I pass one, my heart cries and my eyes stare.

My boyhood is lost in the life's map,
Kids don't grow up it's just a trap.

© AMAnwiThEartofURs.

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