Hollows once had a heart
That's why we hit them
And kill in one swift blow
Making sure that we
Do not see a living face
Hollows once had a heart
Disincluding those with
Evil intensions before death
Everyone had good thoughts
Everyone had good memories
Hollows once had a heart
They had loved their families
They loved their friends
But they became lonely
And then they forget
Hollows once had a heart
Then they lost memories
Then they lost feelings
They became so detached
That they lost their heart
Episodica (Fanpoems... Various Fandoms)
FanfictionThis is a poetry collection that involves a poem per episode for various series. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach, Darker than BLACK, Durarara!, Letter Bee, Shoji no Ou, Yuminero Pattisiere