B.004 ~ Dear Brother

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Dear Brother,

I tell you not the truth

I didn't cut my hair

I was bullied at school

Dear Brother,

I am already seen as

Being very childish

So why give me this gift?

Dear Brother,

Why did you leave me

So very alone today

I very well miss you

Dear Brother,

I forgot to say goodbye

I forgot to say good day

I so very don't want to

Dear Brother,

I feel you staying around

Did I force you to stay

It's time to move on

Dear Brother,

I've made a new friend

I feel safe once again

To let my hair grow out

Dear Brother,

I think I like a boy

I wish you to know

I am very, very happy

Dear Brother,

You saved me today

From that speeding car

Why are you still here?

Dear Brother,

Why have you changed

You are not the brother

I once held dear

Dear Brother,

I didn't see you lonely

I saw you as happy

Hopping you found peace

Dear Brother,

I finally came to say it

Brother, I wish this to say

Please go and have a nice day

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