FOUR. his apology

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the apology

The party is here, but it's
more anticlimactic than ever
expected, with the night ending on
anything but a bang.

       ALANA CAN'T HELP BUT stare at herself as she nervously stands before her bathroom mirror. Her fingers wring one another with anxious twists, her top row of teeth clamping down on her bottom lip as she imagined the worst possible outcomes for tonight.

       She kept thinking to herself that she just needs to believe in the idea of the party being for Josh, as he's now got himself a roommate. Not for her finally moving out of her mothers' home and into her first apartment.

       Interrupting her thoughts was the gentle knocks at the front door. "Can you get that please, Alana?" Josh called. Alana takes one final deep breath, stepping out of the bathroom with no amount of confidence in her posture or facial expression.

       As she opened the door, she was hit with a wave of relief. "Oh my God, Simon," Alana huffs, not wasting any time to embrace him in a tight hug that spoke of how stressed she was. He chuckles, feeling her nervous energy immediately, wrapping his arms around her tighter than she had with him.

       "Why are you so stiff?" Simon questions softly when they finally split, shutting the door behind him as Alana walks over to the couch. She plops down onto it, shaking her head.

       "I don't know," she honestly responds. "Maybe I just don't want to be the center of attention tonight?"

       "That's not like you," Simon teases with a warm chuckle, sitting in a chair near her. "Seriously, Al, ya gotta loosen up. Everything'll be fine!"

       "Need me to call Parker over to loosen you up?" Josh smirks as he enters the living room. Alana noticed the light tint of pink on both of the men's faces as they acknowledged the other's presence.

       "Shut the hell up, Josh," Alana groans. "I don't even know him."

       "Parker, as in your neighbor Parker?" Simon questions Josh's way. He nods, eliciting another groan from Alana. "Now, he's the definition of a hot mess." Simon flicks his eyes from Josh back over to Alana. "So, you've got a crush on your new neighbor?"

       "No," Alana instantly retorts with disgust.

       "It's okay to be straight with us, Alana, we won't judge you," Simon remarks.

       "This isn't me abandoning my sexuality, dumbass," Alana retorts, unable to silence her slight chuckle. "I just don't see what's to have a crush on with that guy." Simon and Josh's jaws both drop simultaneously, wide eyes meeting a matching set.

       "Are you fucking blind?" Simon exclaims as his attention snaps back to Alana.

       "I agree with Simon — dude's gorgeous!" Josh interjects with defensive enthusiasm.

       "No need to fight me, gays," Alana giggles, throwing her hands up in mock surrender. She sighs, looking up at her friends, "He just seems like he'd be a massive prick, ya know?"

       "Alana, not every hot guy is rude and prowls on the weak," Josh informs with sympathy evident in his voice.

       "You forgot the part about being constantly thirsty for vag," Simon adds, earning a punch to the shoulder.

       "When he comes tonight, you better play nice," Josh warns.

       "He's coming tonight?" Simon questions.

       "Josh invited him," Alana grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest with a pout present on her lips. "Plus, you don't own me, Joshua. What are you gonna do? Ground me?"

       "I might," Josh retorts, "so best not try anything."

       Alana rolls her eyes, huffing. "I wasn't planning on being a bitch tonight anyway."


       The party went as well as could be expected. Nothing eventful occurred — except Alana getting plastered. Which entailed dancing on tabletops until Josh or Simon pulled her down, continuously hugging her friends and siblings, and nearly stripping for the simple desire of wanting to be nude.

        As Alana tried to help the boys clean up, she sighed, leaning on the table. "Parker didn't show up," she mumbles, earning everyone's attention. Tobi glanced over to Josh with worry.

       "Neighbor Parker?" he questions with uncertainty.

       "Yeah," Josh huffs.

       "She didn't invite him, right?" Tobi asks, concerned for his sister's well-being.

       "No, I did. She didn't want him anywhere near here," Josh explains. Tobi nods, smiling. "What? Why are you smiling?"

       "I just don't want her getting hurt by him," he shrugs. "Glad he's showing his true colors early."

        A knock sounded at the front door, scaring Alana and drawing everyone's attention to it. Josh gestured that he was going to get it, stepping over to the door. As he opened the door, his jaw fell slack. But he recomposed himself a second later.

       "You're too late, Parker," Josh simply speaks, "party's over." The disappointment in his voice was clearer than glass, making Parker's face fall.

       "I know," Parker spoke softly. "I just... stopped by to say sorry."

       "Don't worry about it," Josh responded, about to shut the door. Alana stopped this action from being fulfilled.

       "You're a real prick, ya know?" she slurs as she presents herself to Parker. He was in a light grey button up and black jeans. And even with everything being wavy, Alana couldn't deny the fact that he looked pretty, especially with his hair left in its natural loose locks.

       "So I've been told many a time," Parker simply replies, "and I'm sorry."

       "Apology not accepted," Alana pouts. "First impressions are everything, and you just don't seem like the type I'd wanna be associated with."

        Everyone stood behind the door, listening to the words that unraveled with shocked expressions. Even Josh looked at Alana with surprise.

       "I-I'm sorry you feel that way," Parker stutters. His eyes flicker between Alana's, trying to find anything that would distract him from the look of pure sadness on her face.

       "Goodnight," Alana grumbles, slamming the door shut. She heaves out a breath she didn't know she was holding before turning around and sprinting to the bathroom, throwing up only seconds after Parker finally stopped staring at the spot on the door that replaced the two small, beautifully hazel orbs.


come on, parker.
don't be such an ass :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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