How beautiful it is to know that "What is to come will be better for you than what has gone by",
It's beautiful indeed but the real question here is Why stress yourself?Why bother and get worried when you fully know that the good days will come and the good things shall be yours.
Well I wouldn't blame anyone because the human mind is built to worry about what they have and what they haven't achieved yet. But how about you train your mind to accept and relax, to be contented with what you have and hope for the very best. Why struggle and suffer to get what you want before its time. It's better later than never.
What we don't understand is when we allow these material things to bother us because 'I want to get this and that', we will surely slide into depression when we don't finally get it.
I tell you all and myself to take the chill pill and relax, we shouldn't be bothered with fantasies that aren't gonna matter in few months or years.
We should be more bothered by things that last much more than material things.
We should struggle for our own peace of mind, the happiness of our family and bow our head in the worship of Allah (swt).
So I ask ; why get bothered when what is yours will eventually be yours, no matter how long.Enjoy your life without worries for it's brief ❤❤💚💚
Enjoy your Life ❤🌼
Aktuelle LiteraturThis consist of short motivational write ups sorted out and compiled by me, By Allah, I hope it helps motivate someone... Ideas, opinions and corrections are highly welcome and will be appreciated. DM with love ❤❤❤💞💞 ...