10 - Mr. Monster Starlight

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE GODS TAKING away my sword?" Percy asked the man with anger.

The mystery man smiled even more. Percy couldn't understand how that was even possible. "By the gods taking away your sword, I mean the gods have taken away your sword. Makes sense? And I am here to help you retrieve it. Understand? Now come. Follow me." He turned and went back up the staircase which was on Percy's right. Percy followed him, but still was as alert as anyone could be, for he didn't trust this person.

The man led him to the second floor and turned to the right. Percy saw that the hallway was really long, stretching out endlessly in both the directions. More hallways branched out from the parent. The man took the first right and Percy kept pace with him.

"My name's Julian Starlight, by the way. I was once a demigod, just like you," the man - Julian - suddenly said.

"Was a demigod? Are you a god now?" Percy asked him. His tone was casual and friendly now, and he was indeed surprised by how his attitude had changed so quickly. The topic had intrigued him.

"I'm not a god, exactly. But I'm no mortal, either. I was banished to this beautiful castle for eternity."


"You don't need to know that. It isn't your place."

"Hmm? Well, if this isn't my place, I may as well leave it. Bye bye." Percy turned and walked away. He had a slight feeling that this was all a dream.

Julian immediately turned and ran towards Percy, overtaking him and stopping him, his arms streched out at his sides. "You aren't going, anywhere, Perseus."

"Well, bad for you. I'm just going right past you," Percy said.

Julian then punched Percy in the stomach. Percy stepped back and evaded his attack. He ran towards Julian and somersaulted gracefully over him. He continued running and then immediately got down the stairs. The door was in his sight, and it was open. In seconds, he was out of the castle, looking up at the lazy, dreadful sky.

"Percy!" he heard someone, a female, shout his name. He immediately recognised the voice. Terror filled up inside him. He turned and looked at Julian, who was holding a sharp knife at Annabeth's throat.

"LEAVE. HER," his voice was cold and threatening. His nerves were boiling unnaturally.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't. She's really beautiful, isn't she? It would be a waste to kill her," Julian said. "But, are you going to save her, or the other one?" He pointed to his left with his eyes, and Percy could see someone dangling over the edge of the mountain, crying out for help.

It was Grover.


Anger was filled inside Percy now. Anger, and hopelessness. He didn't know what to do. And as time passed on, things became worse. Was he going to save Annabeth? Or Grover? Confusion was clearly seen in his expression.

"Percy, Percy, you don't need to save me. I know you don't want to. I know you want to save Annabeth. You have a decision. Just do it! Go save her," Grover suddenly said to him.

"No, Percy! Go and save Grover! If he dies, you die! Remember the empathy link?" Annabeth shouted.

The empathy link.

It seemed that Annabeth was always helping him, even in dreams and hallucinations.

And as soon as it had come, it had gone. The confusion, anger, hopelessness - all of it was gone. Percy smiled. He turned to Grover and said, "Grover, I know you aren't real. Because if you were, you'd know that I was in a state of confusion. You could always read my emotions, even without an empathy link. I mean, did you even look at my face? I was as confused as hell! And you said that I should save Annabeth and not you. Huh. Go away, Fake Grover. Die. I know you aren't real. And you too, Fake Annabeth. Get lost."

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