Part 46

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Lilly:good we are through the lasers now what
(Drones surround them)
Lilly:of course
Henry:you go me and mike will handle this
(They run up to the door)
Lilly:need some kind code
Mark:oh I can finally show my skill I can try to crack the code
Lilly:go quickly mike and Henry won't be able to fend off the drones forever
(Charlie Katharine Sarah and Elliot arrive at the lasers)
Charlie:oh you got to be puking my leg
Sarah shouldn't be too hard let's go Eliot
(Mark is able to turn off the lasers)
Katharine:good now we can just walk through
(Elliot sees two silver platters)
Elliot: this could be useful
(Elliot grabs one and gives the other one to Charlie)
Charlie:let's move

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