Chapter Twenty One

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At least it was sunny outside. Rain would have just made things worse. The grass would have been wet, and the guests' shoes would have been muddy. Driving home would have been a hassle to attempt, with everyone wanting to leave as quickly as they could. No, rain would have been a terrible accessory.

Bon wouldn't have wanted it to rain.

Attenders came one by one down the steps of the church. It wasn't a big church at all, hardly anybody ever went there. Angus was glad it wasn't popular, they didn't need more publicity than they were already getting. Fuck that.

It was a bigger service than Angus expected. Then again, he had never been to a funeral before. There had never been any need to. They were all young, reasonably healthy men, they couldn't die.

Looking at the headstone with Bon's name engraved on it, Angus soon realized that they most certainly could.

Death by misadventure. At least, that's what the certificate said. As well as most of the news reports in the next few days. Gossip spread like wildfire. Soon the entire city of London would hear the news by the time they awoke, up to their necks in cameras and microphones. Bon's parents would find out in a week or two as they read their morning paper. Mrs. Scott would be devastated, screaming in shock while his father shut down, sitting calmly in his chair with his face in his hand.

They couldn't have that. Malcolm couldn't have that.

The phone cord just about turned his hand blue while he spoke with them. Bon's mother had picked up, for a second thinking it had been Bon who called. How excited she sounded, then how disappointed, but still delighted to speak with a sweet man such as Malcolm.

She did scream. Mr. Scott had to take the phone for the rest of it, listening while Malcolm explained what happened. After letting Mr. Scott hang up first and slamming the phone back on the hook, Malcolm let a few tears fall. 

After a quick post-mortem the men got a plane to Australia. Silence had never been so loud. 

Bagpipes played over the open field. A few people cried. Angus didn't think he had any more tears left to cry.

Hannah leaned on his shoulder the whole time. She wasn't a pretty sight, making sure to hide her face in Angus' neck should anyone see her. Cliff and Phil would talk every now and then after the service was over. Angus didn't have much to say. Malcolm couldn't be seen for most of the second half.

Bon's parents let the closest to him stay at their house, some offering to take a nearby hotel, should there not be enough space. But no matter how full the rooms would be...

It was empty without Bon.

With February done and gone behind them, and March not far on the horizon, the band agreed to sleep the day off and face up to the facts tomorrow. To have an official band meeting, deciding where to go from here. 

Angus went to sleep that night, imagining his unsurprised reaction should they announce this band meeting to be their final. 

At least the stars were out that night.

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