Chapter Thirty One

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"' it doesn't matter a pinch to me whether or not my heart is in one piece or several. As long as it's still with you..." Crumpling up the paper he recited from he shoved it in his pocket and laced his fingers together. "Then I'll be okay."

A breeze tangled his hair and decorated it with the blades of grass he had pulled while he talked. Brushing them out was a real task and he gave up trying. One minute he sneezed and the next minute he sighed. 

It was the middle of April and the autumn weather took its time settling in. The grass was still a rich green and only a few brown leaves coated the top. God powdered the sky with little spots of cloud and a flock of birds took flight down the street. 

Even the cemetery looked beautiful on a day like this. 

"I really miss you." Angus started when a big wet tongue painted his cheek. Two paws pressed down on his back and left two muddy paw prints on his coat. "Thank you very much, Lucy."

"Angus!" Angus sat up straight and put a hand over his eyes to see the man who called him. Malcolm, hunched over in his coat, trudged through a pile of wet leaves to greet his brother. Lucy ran to Malcolm's side knowing he had a few treats in his pocket. He scratched the dalmatian under her green collar and returned his hand to his pocket. "Can I get a bag?"

Angus reached into his own pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag. "She pay her respects?"

"I'll say." Malcolm took the bag. "Paid 'em right to Mr. Tuttle, father of three." As Lucy knew for certain there were treats in the man's possession, she trotted right behind Malcolm on his search for Mr. Tuttle. Angus remained where he was, looking right ahead at Hannah Ruth.

"Don't look at me like that. I know dogs aren't allowed here but she wanted to meet you. An' I know you would have loved to see her."  Barks of plenty rang across the yard and Angus looked behind him to make sure no one saw her. He wasn't ready to be kicked out yet. "Her name is Lucy. I--we got her a few months ago. I uh, remembered you liked the name." He laughed aloud when Malcolm's groan of disgust echoed the dog's barking. "An' hey, if they can let Malcolm in, why not her?"

Another breeze picked up and blew a wet leaf right on top of the gravestone. Peeling it off he let it fly away. "Oh! I uh--got you flowers." Beside him was a bouquet of white roses he picked up on the way there. "Don't suppose you'll be needin' them but..." One flower had a weak petal and he plucked it off. "...they're your favorite." The plastic crinkled as he set them down on the grass. 

"You'd like Ellen, she's a real sweetheart. She suggested I get the dog in the first place, ya' know?" Speaking of the pup, Lucy came galloping toward him at top speed with Malcolm running behind her. One of Malcolm's gloves dangled from her mouth. "Havin' fun?"

"Cara was never this bad," Malcolm panted. "Even Ross was an angel compared to her."

"She's just a puppy, Mal, she's playin' with you." Malcolm left his glove with Lucy and sat down next to his brother. "Don't be so old."

"Don't be so old," Malcolm mocked. "Those were my nice gloves, I drive with those." He looked at the flowers on the grass. "They're pretty."

"Yeah. She'd like them." For a minute or so they kept very still. Orange leaves came fluttering to the ground catching Lucy's attention. While she was distracted Angus took the glove from her and handed it to his brother.


A bird landed on the gravestone and took off just as quickly. More leaves came down as a squirrel climbed one of the tree branches with a nut in its mouth. Lucy watched with intense curiosity and desire. Out of his other pocket Angus took out a leash and latched it around her collar. 

"You ready?" Malcolm asked.

Angus sighed. "No, not really. But it's almost dinner an' I want Lucy out before we get caught."

"We can stay until she starts barkin' again." Angus didn't move. Lucy made no attempt to chase the wildlife but he had a strong hold on the leash anyway. His hand began to shake. "Ang?"

"It's not getting easier," he said. "I thought if we came here often enough it would get easier but it's not." Malcolm didn't say anything. "I thought--I thought I could come here once without cryin' but it's too fuckin' hard." Malcolm turned his head to see Angus' eyes were already red. 

"What made you think it'd be easier?" Malcolm asked. "What are you tryin' to prove by not cryin'?" 

Angus shook his head, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothin'. Not tryin' to prove nothin', jus' thought I could do it."

Malcolm didn't know if it was the sight of his brother or the fact that he lost another close friend that made him cry too. Wrapping an arm around Angus he leaned his head on him. "She was a good kid." Angus was sniveling too much to answer. Lucy detected something was wrong with her owner and stood up to check on him. She lapped up his tears and gave him kisses on his nose and hand. 

"She's not--she's not hurtin' I guess." He shivered. "But I am."

"I am too. She was a good kid who didn't deserve all this... an' Bon was too."

At the mention of Bon's name a few more tears ran down his face. A few clouds eclipsed the sun and the wind picked up making the tears burn. "You think..." Angus shook his head.


"...I was gonna say Bon might have seen her comin'. Probably kidnapped her with his motorcycle again, ya' know?"

Malcolm laughed. "Uh oh." The bird returned to the gravestone and this time Lucy did bark at it, scaring it off. Angus stood up. Blades of grass crumbled off his coat and he brushed himself clean. 

"We should get goin' now."

"You sure?" Malcolm asked following him.

"Yeah. Yeah, Ellen's waitin' at home, I should--we should get goin'." 

"Are we comin' back next year?" Malcolm asked making an effort to smile.

"Yeah," Angus said. "Sooner if I have anything to say about it." 

"Five o'clock?" 

Angus finally smiled. "Five o'clock." 

Putting his wet gloves on Malcolm led the way out of the cemetery and to his car. Angus walked beside him pulling him in for a comforting side hug. Lucy sprang from the ground and followed her masters, sticking her nose in Malcolm's pocket for one of those delicious treats. 

And that was that.  

The End.

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