C h a p t e r S i x

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;of Cheating


I should wait for Declan to be back before I make any conclusion. Keira warned me about those tabloids. It's always trying to add kerosene to a fire. But it still didn't help the ache in my heart. I stared at the picture of Declan's side view with Avia. Their lips locked together and behind them was the mountain of Idaho.

Declan said he have to go to Idaho for business trip. Damn right. What business trip if he brought his ex-girlfriend along and got caught lip-locking under the mountain.

Titan walked over to me and placed his head on my lap. I took a deep breath, petted his head. Maggie walked out of the kitchen with a sad smile, "Marcy wants you to go to Eaton. She thought it might make you feel better if they bash Declan together with you,"

I refused to check my phone for any messages or calls. I know people will be trying to get hold of me, wanting to confirm if it's true about Declan's affair. Truth is, I don't really know. We broke every of our terms on the contract. I won't be surprised if Declan broke the cheating term.

I was disgusted. Utterly disgusted. Titan ran into Eaton's house once I opened the door for him.

Merry was the first one to greet me with a hug, "He's such an arsehole!"

I managed to give each of them a small smile. I sat there, listening to every one of them bashing Declan. Christopher was the one who said maybe we have to wait for Declan to explain himself. Jordan said Declan was pissed at them and he's rushing back home now. The trip from Idaho to LA takes probably three hours.

I have three hours to clear my mind and set my priority back.

Emmett walked into the house, surveyed the situation and he stood up, "Come on Thea, take a breather with me,"

Titan dashed into the yard while Emmett lit up his cigarette, "Why did you even come over to go through this?" He was referring to his family bashing ceremony.

"The more I stayed in the penthouse, the more I will overthink stuff. I thought it will help if I come over." I shrugged, leaning back to the beach chair. Emmett shook his head, "You still have to let him explain,"

"I know," I replied, "It's just difficult to grasp him sometimes. Once you thought you had him, he disappeared in your hands the next seconds,"

"Deep," Emmett chuckled, "My cousin is a piece of work. Once you get to know him, he's actually easy to read."

"Well, I beg to differ," I shook my head, "Declan doesn't always talk to me about his feelings. Sometimes he just shut me down completely."

"Sometimes, you just got to wait," Emmett exhaled the smoke, "When the time is right, his feelings will be completely out in the open for you to pick it up bits by bits,"


After having dinner with the Eatons, I was getting ready to jump in my old Honda and get back to the penthouse. I let Titan in and opened the window for him to stick his head out. Jordan came running out of the house, "Hey Thea!"

I raised my eyebrows and I joked, "If you are here to tell me how a piece of shit is your brother, then you can run back in,"

Jordan gave me a hearty laugh and she shook her head, "I think you had enough from my sister and mum. I'm just here to thank you for not saying anything about Dexter,"

I leaned against my car with Titan's head beside me. Jordan reached out to pet Titan's head. I asked, "Jordan, how much do you like this guy?"

Jordan seems uncomfortable about this. She looked down to her feet, "I don't,"

I frowned, "Is he forcing you to stay with him?"

"At first, we both used each other for certain benefits," She winced and I immediately understood. She continued, "After a period of time, I realized he was just interested in my money and I heard he keep going around flaunting that his girlfriend is a Eaton. I was pissed and I don't want my family name to be travelled in this way. So I tried to broke it off,"

"Did he hit you?" I narrowed my eyes.

Jordan bit her lips and I knew the answer, "Jordan. You have to stay away from him. He's not a guy if he lifts his hand to hit you. That's fucked up."

"I broke it off with him. He just keep coming back," Jordan said, "I swear I ended it off with him after you saved me from him,"

I sighed, pulling her into a hug, "Let me know if he harassed you again. At least someone has your back."


I showered Titan and settled in the couch, watching X-Factor. I was making popcorn in the kitchen, so I had to go into the kitchen to check on it.

Declan left his bag on the chair. He looked like he ate five lemons at one go. He sat beside me and said, "I'm sorry,"

"For what?" I refused to look at him. I'm trying my best to put on a nonchalance face, grabbing my popcorn from the microwave.

"Thea," Declan pulled me into his arms and I flinched, feeling disgusted, "Did you pull her into your arms like this?"

Declan looked confused. He gave a resigned sigh and let go of me, "I swear I didn't expect that kiss from her,"

I looked right into his eyes, "So you were saying she kissed you first?"

Declan ruffled his hair, looking exasperated, "I didn't realized she moved down to Idaho. She was the secretary of Jeremy Butler. He was the one who want her to show me the mountains. So we went and out of nowhere, she kissed me."

"With or without tongue?"

He looked almost sheepish, "With. But I swear I pulled..."

"Did you return the kiss?"


"Did you return the kiss?" I repeated my question.

He licked his dry lips and looked away from me, "Yes. But I pulled back once I realized what I was doing,"

I nodded, grabbing the spaghetti that Maggie left for him. I opened the lid and pour it over his head. He stood there, with spaghetti covering his body. Titan ran into the kitchen, tried to eat the meatballs but I looked at Titan, "Out!"

Titan obeyed, sat outside of the kitchen, aiming for the food on the floor.

"What the hell?" Declan looked at his body covered with Spaghetti. I gave him a condescending look, "Clean up the mess on your own," And I walked out of the kitchen, commanded Titan to follow me into the room.

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