7~ Back to school

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18 September 2019

Today I am finally able to attend school, I'm super excited. It's been boring just staying at home. Honestly!
*At school*
When I got to school, I found that Shambrea, Beverly and Bethany had organized a "Welcome back to school" little party for me. It was sweet and I felt very special and excited that I was finally back, although I felt as if something was missing.... Oh Alexia!
Kim:. Hey, guys, where's Alexia? Is she absent or what?
Bree:. Kimberly, remember, she was arrested for cyber bulling and attempted murder. (Sorrowfully)
Kim:. Oh yeah, I just forgot. (Regrettably)

I broke into tears about being reminded about the fact that Alexia has been imprisoned because of ME! She did deserve to go to prison but something inside of me tells me that there's more to the story. But maybe I'm wrong, she deserves what she got and there is nothing more to that.
*After school*
After school has finally come! (Sighs in relief) it has been a longggg day honestly, trust me. I still have to get used to the fact that I have to go to school, not to mention that I have alot of work to catch up on (groans). Luckily Bev and Shambrea have more or less the same teachers that teach me. I really wasn't looking forward to asking one of my classmates for their workbooks to catch up on my work. what a relief! When I got outside the school building I found Stevenson and my sister Beverly AKA Bev waiting for me in the car.
Bev:. Hey, over here Sweetie!

Bev called out for me from the car. I feel like the last word she said to me "Sweetie" was kind of odd, if you know what I mean. It's like something she wouldn't say actually. I don't know, but I think that I'm just overreacting about the whole situation, she is my sister and she's most probably always called me that I guess? When I got to the car and fastened my seatbelt, I felt a bit insecure about Stevenson driving us home, like I've never met him before in my life. I don't recall any types of conversations we had, it's weird. On top of all that, he makes the whole situation awkward and even more weird.
Stevenson:. How was your first day back at school Kim Kardashian? (Playfully)
Kim:. Excuse me sir, but my name is not Kim Kardashian, is Kimberly Hutson.
Stevenson:. Well, tell me what happened (concerned)
Kim:. What do you mean!? (Rudely)
Stevenson:. Ooh was it that bad? Eyy I can imagine. (Jokingly)
Kim:. Um,I'm sorry. I am kind of lost here, aren't you supposed to be my sister and I's driver and not my unprofessional therapist that doesn't even have a degree, who also can't tell the difference betwe...(angrily)
Bev:. Hey sis, what's wrong? Steve was only asking how u you were, that's all. No need to be rude!
Stevenson:. Oh well,(Huff's) we're here, so see ya tomorrow. Hope you get well soon Miss Kimberly Hutson.

Ohh my goodness, how could my mom have me travel with Sir Stevenson for every single day of my life. I can't believe how I survived driving with Sir Stevenson for so long since grade 6 when my father moved to Cape Town for work purposes, apparently they've said. I do sometimes miss him, he was a great father honestly. When I got into the house with Bev, we both went into the kitchen and she prepared a delicious chicken sandwich for the both of us while I poured the liqui fruit apple flavoured juice, it's actually my favorite. We both ate our lunch in silence admiring the splendid decor my mother had done with the kitchen. Right after I had finished my lunch I grabbed an apple from the fridge and went up to my room to lie down.
*Flash back from chapter 5*(you are more than welcome to go back read chapter 5 then come back here)
I couldn't believe what was in front of me, I had suddenly wished not to switch my phone on. What Alexia had written was so horrible, it was unbelievable! It read:
Lexi star 🌟
I don't like your little games, Don't like your tilted stage, the role you made me play of the fool no I don't like you! I don't like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie, you said the gun was mine. Isn't cool, no I don't like you.
So I go smarter, I got harder in the nick of time. Honey, I Rose upon the dead, I do it all the time. I made a list of name, and yours is in red underlined....
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me.
I'll be actress in your bad dreams.
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me.
I'll be actress in your bad dreams.
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me.
I'll be actress in your bad dreams.
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me.
I'll be actress in your bad dreams.
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me.
I'll be actress in your bad dreams.
Good luck honey!

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