11~ Black and White

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I woke up to a car horning wildly as if it's arguing with its owner. As I sat up on my bed I remembered that I had to go to school, I looked at the time on my phone it read, 7:45am. "SHUCKS, I'm late for school!" I said more to myself. School starts at eight o'clock and I only had 15 minutes left to prepare myself for school. Why hasn't anyone woken me up? I jumped out of bed, into the bathroom and had a shower. Right after that I headed for my room and got out a white shirt and a royal blue waist skirt with black leggings and my white pumps. I got out my room and headed for the kitchen to get myself something quick for breakfast. Grabbing a breakfast bar in the cardboard and a yogurt I went out the door making my to school.

When I arrived at school Shambrea was waiting impatiently for me by the entrance with her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed as she saw me. Deciding to quicken my pace before she would blow up on my face. As I got to where she was I pulled her into a hug just to calm her down from killing me. She returned the hug but quickly pulled away. "Why. Are. You. Late?" She asked me looking shocked, "I went to bed late last night." I shrugged it off wearing a smile on my face. She nodded her head slowly. "Did you here what happened?!" She asked me as we walked into the school
Her face immediately went from nonchalant to an agonized expression, I raised an eyebrow. "No, what happened?" She pulled in a deep breath not sure how to tell me, "Thandos' mother was shot dead yesterday." Tears streamed down her face as she told me. " Where was she shot?" I asked feeling skeptical about the whole situation. "Well I don't know, but she was found by Thando in their dustbin when she was taking out the trash." I was about to answer when Shambrea opened the door to our first class. We got in am went to our seats, and luckily Mr Murray hasn't gotten to class yet. I didn't understand what kind of person would do such a cruel thing like this. I mean Thandos'mother was the most amazing person, everyone in the school knew that and people who lived in our community! So why on Earth would they shoot her then dump her in her very own dustbin? Did they want someone to see her? Did they want to prove a point about something? Well whatever point they wanted to prove has already been made. Thando herself was the kindest person in school, she never cared about whether you are a big fat bullying or not, whether you've done a her wrong or not, she would still treat you the same. Most of all she was one of Revekka's close friends, her Joshua and Thando were always chilling together, well until Revekka decided to chill with me but I would spot them by the corridors chatting and laughing. Revekka must be quite sad sadly we're not in the same class. Thando walks into the classroom with neatly folded envelopes in a basket looking deadpanned. "Good morning fellow students, as you all might have heard about my mother's murder, I'd get much like to invite you to her funeral on Saturday." She said looking agonized. She handed them out to everyone and left no one out. She came to me and handed two instead of one. I gave her a quizzical look to why I've got two invitations, "your sister isn't at school today." She calmly informed me then went to the next person until she was done. I gave the invitations a good look wondering how Revekka could still be asleep. I'd better call her before my parents find out. Maybe she heard the news and couldn't believe it? I shrug. The lesson finally started.

I got out of class heading for where we usually go for lunch. As I saw my friends including Revekka which was shocking, I spotted Joshua calling Revekka signaling her to go to him, she went, and then I wore a wry face for my confusion to why she's still talking to Joshua. Then I saw Thando with my friends. I approached them, "hey guys, where's Revekka going with Joshua?" I asked eyeing my sister in wary. " I don't know" Katushka shrugged it off. " How are you doing Thando?" I asked her feeling sorry for her, I mean her dad was also killed when we were all in grade seven, now her mother. She must be quite devastated. She shook her head," I don't want to talk about any of this. But thank you anyway." She pulled me into a hug which took me by surprise. The entire first and second break Revekka was no where to be found. This got me feeling anxious, until after school when Thando came up to me looking as if she'd just run a Marathon, "ever since first break Revekka and Joshua were no where to be found. Do you know where they might've been? Apparently there were other 15 people who had disappeared since first break. This is quite scary!" She said looking bleak about the whole situation. I began to have worry inside me, that my sister is missing. "Actually those 15 people with Josh and your sister were missing this morning as well." I couldn't believe any of this, it's quite surprising. So then I came to the conclusion to call my sister. "Uhh, hii Mannette." She greated me as if she's in the middle of something important, "Revekka where in the world are you? Why did you just disappear like that?" I told her in a motherly tone, I heard masculine voices and someone screaming,"I'm in the middle of a movie right now with Josh so I'll call you later okay?" With that she hung up the phone not giving me a chance to respond. Steven pulled up just in time, I'd offered Thando a ride home. So we both got into the car and drove out the school. "So how was your day Kim Kardashian?" He as always amusingly said to me, " it was, how can I say this. It was scary." I told him with no expression in my voice. " What happened?" "Revekka is missing with that jerk Joshua and other 15 people, apparently my sister and Joshua ditched school for movie marathons." Thando let out a heavy sigh, " ohh to top of the horrific day, my mother was killed and so I gave out funeral invitations which was quite difficult ☹️" she told Steven whilst handing him an invitation as he pulled up in front of her house. We got to my house since it was one house separating Thandos' house with mine. I got into the house and headed for my bedroom and started with my homework. My phone vibrates from the side table, since I had only taken my books out now it wouldn't hurt to check out the notification.
Hey Mannette Bevans.
Don't worry about that right now.
I've got every ryt to worry! So best u tell me hu u re, or I'll block u!
You are quite funny you know😂😂, but I advice you not to do that or you'll regret it!!!
Leave me alone!
*Contact Blocked*

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