10~ What happened in prison

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Mannette's POV


"Well well well, lookie who we got here?" Alexia told Mannette as she walked into the prison visitors section. Mannette stood there in shock at how much Alexia had changed, she didn't have her usual neatly done hair or her cute adorable face. She looked like she'd just seen a ghost, not as in her face went pale and her eyes popped out in horror, she just looked different. "What is it you want from me Alexia?" Mannette snapped at Mannette as she sat on the chair opposite to her. Alexia planted a wide evilicous smile on her face staring at Mannette with dark eyes that held hatred, pain, Revenge in it. Mannette grew absolutely uncomfortable at this sight, and especially the awkward silence that was hanging over them, she let out an awkward cough and looking at the wooden table that looked quite interesting at the time in her eyes."okay, so are you just going to pathetically sit there staring at that, huh?" She snapped at her. " Okay, so what do you want from me then Alexia" she told her, "well I heard something." Alexia told her looking amused with her hand placed on the table. "What?" She said to her dryly. "Well, I heard that your sister is going to kill you! And the funny thing about this is that, I'm the only one who can save you but I'm stuck here in JAIL because of your sick lies about me wanting to murder YOU!!" she screeched as her nails dug into the wooden table causing Mannette to jump in fear. She quickly hid her fear which she immediately replaced with hatred. "Don't you dare talk about my sister like that you little BRAT! She told her in a harsh soft tone. Alexia let out a humourous laughter that left Mannette in shock which fueled her anger even more, "You don't get it do you?"  She told her in a more serious tone still holding a grin and letting out a small chuckle nodding her head. "You don't get it darling, you-you-you think that just-just because your little SISTER is now all of a sudden acting all NICEY NICEY doesn't mean that she ACTUALLY all of a sudden CARES about you MISS I KNOW IT ALL BRAT!!" She screeched once again giving everyone around her a fright, she rolled her head back and slammed her hands onto the table making Mannette jump in fear and a year forming in her eyes. "Don't you dare try and break my relationship with my sister! She finally wants to BE with ME and we actually are having a great time while you stay here in your miserable prison life wanting me to have second BLOODY thought on her motives in wanting to bond with me!" She blew out in her face as tears streamed down her face imatating a water fountain. Mannette glared at her not believing what she had just said to her," EXCUSE me Mannette Bevans, but the only reason that I am stuck here is because of you, that's the only reason so don't come here telling me about my SO pathetic prison life whereas I wouldn't have been here if you hadn't been telling LIES about me murdering you! And for the fact that your still alive makes me wonder to why your still holding me in?!" She let out a sarcastic laughter, Mannette felt the urge to get up from where she was and knock the living day lights in her, but then again she would get arrested for harassment which wouldn't be ideal at the moment. So she sat there holding onto her arms so they don't fly onto Alexia. "You little BRAT, don't blame your misery on me! The only reason that you're still held in here is because of cyber bulling not because you tried to murder me. So you better be greatfull that I'm not going to make your sent xence in here any longer!"
" What the hell you talking about?" She asked quizzically in a choleric tone. " I never bullied you in any manner except well for the fact that I knocked some sense into you that day you went for detention if you consider that as bullying I don't know?" She told her in an agonized way, "Either than that I hadn't committed any crime whatsoever! So I don't get why I'm locked up here?" She bleakly as tears formed in her eyes and she started sniffling the mucous trying to escape her nose and her face turning into a tomato. Mannette grew sympathetic for her, and felt guilt trickling up her and the sweat consuming her neck, palms, forehead and armpits. Her cheeks grew red because of how bad he felt, she attempted trying to hold Alexia's hands as a form of comfort and apologizing but Alexia didn't see it that way. "Leave me alone you little undeserving brat who thinks this whole world revolves around her crappy life!" She snapped while her eyes impersonated a fountain. Mannette sat there bug eyed not moving a muscle, "And you know what the funny thing is about this is,  you think that while you're out there living your life you forget that your best friend is in prison for your false accusations that have put my life in danger!" She screeched making everyone around them stare at them in annoyance. "I-I-i'm sorry Alexia I didn't know that it wasn't you." She pleaded, "oh so now all of a sudden you wanna "Apologize" " she mocked her putting qoution marks as she said Apologize, " all this time you've been acting all nasty to me up until I told you that I wasn't the one who committed any crime whatsoever!" She banged the table causing it to crack open. The prison guard came up to their table, "ladies, if you continue to cause disruption in the prison I will have to ask you to leave." He informed glaring at Mannette, she just nodded assuring him they won't be causing any further disruption. "Okay, fine. If you want to take me to the guilt trip then you can do so, I won't stop you I deserve it anyway. But I can assure you that I will be dropping the charges and you'll be out by next week. Sounds good?" She told her in an apologetic tone, Alexia just laughed at how ridiculous she sounded to her, and with that she stood up from her chair holding a deadpan expression on her face and left leaving Mannette to sit there alone looking quizzical.

Yes I know it's not AS long as they are, but it's just an insight of what happened in the prison which is quite important for the upcoming plot, so yeah. Hope you enjoyed.
And aren't ya surprised about finding out that Alexia didn't commit the crime of the whole cyber bullying thing? Who do you think it was? Please insight me in your finding of who you think committed such a crime

And remember always be your wonderful self🔥

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