Chapter 1

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Silverstreak p.o.v
It like the same thing every day. No con's,war, and other Autobots. Why did Ultra Mangnus send me here. I'm not a scout I'm a Frontliner I'm supposed to be at the front of the battle not here. Then I was snagged out of myself rant when a yellow comaro with black racing strips fly past me with a con on his/ her tail pipe. Finally!!!! A fight!!! So in my silver crovett with Blue lightning bolts on my side I speed after them I catch up easily.
:are you bot or con?: A male asks through my comlink. :Bot the names Sliverstreak.: I replied cocky. : Mines Bumblebee you could you meet me at these coordinates later after I take care of this con.: Bumblebee asks. : Sure com me when your ready: I reply and I turned off my comlink. So what to do tell then?
It's pretty late and Bumblebee hasn't comed me yet. The news is going haywire over 4 flying objects fell from the sky. So my guess more bots must have came. So I set quietly. Then all of a sudden my com goes off. : Alright Silverstreak come on and sorry to keep you waiting.: Bumblebee apologized. :It's cool Bumbles I'm on my way.: I replied with a smirk. : Bumbles!?!: Yells Bumbles is shock. : Enjoy the nickname.: I chuckled with a smile. : Fine only you can call me that.: Bumbles sighs.
~~timeskip to the other bots~~
Once I got to the coordinates Bumbles pointed out to me and I see 4 other bots one tall one that red and blue with fireflames which is a Peter built. Then there's a yellow green bot who seems to be the oldest his alt is a search and rescue Hummer. Then the small dark grey male with a visitor his alt is a ponic Solece. Then a dark black male with huge cannons his alt is a GMC topkick. Then last but least Bumbles. It seems they been waiting for me. When I pulled up I transformed and do a back flip just to show off and land in a crouch. "The names Sliverstreak my commanding officer is Ultra Mangnus and I'm his first and only Frontliner." I tell them with pride. "Aww Ultra Mangnus spoke highly of you Silverstreak, my Name is Optimus Prime, to my right is my CMO Ratchet, to his right is my first lutentinute Jazz, then My weponspecialist Ironhide, and last but least my scout Bumblebee." Optimus Prime introduces his team. So I nod in understanding. " Do you know why Ultra Mangnus sent you here?" Asks Ratchet with softly. "That I don't not know. He just pushed me in the pod and says your going to Earth and remain there in tell another commanding officer arrives and you will report to them. After that he sent me off that was about 10 years now." I replied to Ratchet. " Then it seems Silverstreak you will be under my command and knowing by your files you never had a promblem with fallowing orders." Optimus Prime. Says with command. " Yes sir that is correct." I replied swiftly. "No need to act formal with me Silverstreak with my team under my command we are like family." Optimus says kindly. " I'm going to have to get used to that. So what is our corse on mission Optimus." I ask. " We must get Sam's glasses they hold the key to find the Allspark." Optimus replys kindly to my question.
"Autobots roll out!!" Optimus calls out.
So we transformed and fallow Bumbles.

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