Chapter 4

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Silverstreak p.o.v
Once we all cooled off we were back on the road again and the sun is beating down on us once more. We pulled  up on an nice size building we transformed and to look at the codes on the glasses but I didn't pay attention my processors was on Bumbles and Jazz along with my now found Sire.
" It's been an honor serving with you all AUTOBOTS ROLL!!!" Optimus yells. "We roll!!" Yells Jazz. As I followed behind Ratchet in silence with Jazz behind me all I could think about was how bumbles was taken could there been away to save him without hurting the humans. No there was no way to save him that my processors would give me. My carrier always told me I got my smarts from my sire. I loved that part of me. But my younger siblings didn't they called me a nerd, I was proud to be one. I would always help my siblings with their homework if they needed it in which they did they weren't that smart. But I loved them. But then the war came... They were killed when the first wave along with carrier. Her final wish was to find my sire and I tried but I found nothing.
Then Ultra Magnus came and recruited me and I rose unlong the ranks. It's like he knew I would a amazing asset to the war. And the cons they feared me I hold the record on the off-lineing to the cons the terror twins are right behind me.
"We should pull over somewhere to recharge for the night." Sire calls out through the comlink. "That would be a good idea old friend." Optimus replied tiredly. So we found a cave large enough
For us to transform. We all transformed and streatch our joints form a long drive. I leanded up against the wall and closed my optics. Then someone sat down beside me and pulled me against them. By frame waise he was small so I knew who it was Jazz. So I leaned my helm onto his shoulder and snuggled closer for his warmth. And Jazz let's out a chuckle and raps his arms around me and kisses the top of my helm. And with that we fall into recharge.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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