Chapter 2

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Silverstreak p.o.v
I'm driving behind Ironhide and Jazz is behind me. Every once in a while Jazz would speed up and brush his front bumper up against my back bumper. And with that my cooling fans would kick on. Hey who wouldn't like that mech he's good looking too. Back to the present we pulled into the back Ally and Jazz parked right into my back bumper and he would rub his front wheel against my back wheel. I forced myself not to kick on my cooling fans on to cool off. But Optimus had other ideas. He transformed and walked straight into Sam's backyard. So we all fallowed. I stood off the side and Jazz stood remotely close me almost touching. Then the small thing ran out barking I jumped in the air with a scream and some how I ended in Jazz's arms and just let's out a chuckle. "What's wrong little lady are ya scared of that little thank?" Jazz chuckles. "Y Yeess they are mean they will leak lubercants on you and they will chase you, so keep it away from me." I asked Shakey. " So if I take ya near the little guy ya scream and run away?" Jazz asks sneakers. " Keep it away, don't you fragging dare take me near it. I will stay in your arms just don't take me near it" I plead. " Ya got your self a deal little lady." Jazz agrees. Ohh what did I just get into? I ask myself. But Jazz is just wearing a broad smile. Jazz is holding my bridal style. So what else am I going to do so I lay my hell on his Chassis and watched the scene behold me and Jazz.
Just after I freaked out over the little dog ** shiver in fear**
The little thing runs over to Ironhide with a cast on its front leg. And it lift up it's hide leg and release it's lubercants on Ironhides ped. "Ohh no this will not end well." I mumble. And Jazz just chuckles.
"Ugh wet!" Growls Ironhide in anger. "Nope definitely not good." I mumble.
Just after that Ironhide brings his cannons to life and threatened to kill the dog. But Sam intervene and takes the dog inside and he goes searching for the glasses. " Aren't you two just cute." Bumbles cherps. " Bumbles shut it." I grumbles. "Bumbles!!!" Ironhide, Ratchet,and Jazz along with Optimus asks with confusion. "I gave him that nickname when I first met him. In my defense his name was a mouth full." I yell in defense with a deep  blue blush across my faceplates. "So do I get a nickname?" Jazz asks with hope along with a smirk plastered on his handsome faceplates. So I thought a minute Jazzy or Jazzman I can't choose. " I can't choose either Jazzy or Jazzman." I say with a small blush. " I like they name Jazzman little lady." Jazz says smiling. Then Jazz sat down with me in his lap. He grabbed my Chin plate between his thumb and index digits and pulled me faceplate up to his and crash his lip plates against mine. "Mhm" I shout against his lips. Then to "mmm" as I relax into the kiss.
"Looks like we got a pair of sparkmates already forming, old friend." Optimus says to Ratchet with pride. "Yes it does, but with this war... Can there love last Optimus?" Ratchet replies with worry but with happiness in his optics. "Only time will tell old friend, only time will tell." Optimus replys with a small smile. " Old friend you know you have to tell her soon old friend or you'll never get too." Optimus tells Ratchet with worry. "I know Optimus but I don't know how she will take it." Ratchet replys sadly.
Once Jazz pulled away from the kiss I leaned my backstrutes against his Chassis with a smile on both our faces.
Then Ratchet walks over to me and kneels down so we're optic level.
"I'm going to tell you something that my be hard to understand but you deserve to know the truth that your carrier told you about your sire." Ratchet says calmly. " What your carrier said about your sire wanted nothing to do with you was a lie." Ratchet continues. "What!,I'm confused?" I say like very confused. " Your sire wanted to be in your life Hugh I wanted to be in your life but black moon wouldn't let me she used me I thought what we had was love,she just wanted to get sparked." Ratchet tells me as coolent left his optics. Wait Ratchet is my sire and carrier used him just as she used so many after him just to have sparklings.
"Your not the only one sire I have so many half siblings the offlined in the war and  I'm the only one left out of my siblings. I'm the only one left." I rant as my coolent leaves my optics. " I lost carrier as well, she wanted me to find you, I tried but I couldn't find a thing so I just fought in the war and became a Frontliner, thinking maybe one day I'll find you and I have." I cried my optics out. Then Ratchet my sire pulled me into his arms and wispers sweet nothings into my autorespters intell I calmed down. "Sweetspark I know you probably won't do it but do what to make a creater and creation bond?" Sire asks. I nod my helm. We both opened our sparkchamber and form our bond. When the bond was finally formed we closed our Chambers. And we'll Sire points his digit at Jazz and warns "You hurt my femmeling I'll take you apart bolt by bolt, you hear me!" "I hear ya Ratchet!!" Jazz replied instantly and in Jazz's optics was fear and truth.  " Good" Sire says he gets up and walks away.

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