Chapter 3

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Silverstreak p.o.v
Well Sam is spazing out over Optimus being in his carrier flower bed and all of us to quiet down so he can concentrate. So we walk all walk away from the house and sire and Jazz tell to stop touching each other and Optimus telling them that he wants us to stay quiet. Just after that Sire walks into the power lines and spins and falls. "Wow that was tingly you got to try that!" Sire tells Ironhide excitedly. " Yah that looks fun" Ironhide replys as he waves him off. And we walked to the house but the whole Block went into a blackout. So Sire used his headlight to light up Sams room but Sam kept telling him to turn it off. But eventually he did. Jazz and I are trying to find a place to hide and well we ended up under the back porch with Jazz on his back and me on tope of him. Jazz silently shhed me to stay quiet I nodded my head in understanding. Then the parents and Sam along with femme moved out of the room. We all moved way from the yard because we had dark black SUVs coming our way. They ended taking the Sam and his family away. So we had a plan to put up a black aid. And get the children. We all stayed back in the shadows as Optimus Made sure the main SUV crashed into his ped and then he pulled off the top of the SUV.
" Taking the children was a bad move. AUTBOT'S releave them of there weapons!!" Optimus orders. We all drove into the open and transformed. I done a full front flip and landed in a crouch and thrust my arms forward and to blades pop out and I changed ped into wheels(just like sideswipe both weapons and wheel gliding)
I wheeled around everyone and as Jazzman used his magnet and pulls there weapons out there servors into his. The new humans watched me carefully as moved around them effertly and came to a stop by Jazz. And then Sam intrgated them over sector seven. Then Bumbles walks up behind the human and starts lubercateing on the man. And I just burst out laughing. And barrierd my faceplates in Jazz's neckcables to quite down my out Burt. Then Optimus yells "Bumblebee stop lubercateing on the man." But in his voice you can her amusement. And I finally calmed down and Jazz rapped his arms around my waist to hold me up just in case my legs give out. "Optimus incoming!!!!" Yells Ironhide and then he let's out an EMP and we all Transformed and got out of there. But at the end of all this Bumbles got taken by the humans along with the children but we have the glasses. And Jazz is not so happy that we won't do anything to get Bumbles back. But Optimus only reply was let them leave. Like now we are on the road, I just wish there was something I could do.
{Sweetspark I know you wish there was something you could of done to help Bumblebee, Even if you tried to you would be in the same place Bumblebee is at. And not to mention all the humans look at you like they never our race in you gender, sweetspark you need to stay strong Bumblebee wouldn't want you to be with him, your needed here with me and Jazz}
Ratchet says through the bond.
{Thanks sire I needed that.} I replied softly through the bond. {Anytime sweetspark}   Sire tells me with love.
We've been driving for a while now and the heat is getting to all of us.
: Optimus the heat is getting to become an issue. We need a place to pull over and out of sight to cool off.: Sire says in the comlink for all of us to hear. :Well Silverstreak has been on Earth longer any of us maybe she knows a place or two.: Ironhide suggest. : Please little lady please do you know a place near by were we can cool down!?!: Jazz pleads through the comlink. :Yea I do just take that turn on the right and fallow the dirt road, at the end of the dirt road is a small lake with a waterfall and it's surrounded by trees. I always go there when it gets hot. The temperature there is always 30° cooler.: I replied with a small smirk.
And with that Optimus let me lead everyone down there. Once there we all Transformed and stretch are joints and cables. "It is more cooler,now cooling angents now can catch up." Sire spoke up. Once I got stretched out I sat in the water. Once I was in the water you could hear a hissing sounds when the water hit my armor. And a moan leaves my mouth."mmhmm that feels nice." "Don't stay in the water to long you'll start to rust." Sire warns. "I know." I replied.
Once my systems cooled down I got out of the water. And Jazz got in after me.
After a few minutes Jazz got out and Ironhide got it and Optimus and Ratchet stayed out. Jazz walked over to me and wrapped his arms around and I layed my helm on his shoulderplate. "It's going to be alright we're going to get Bumblebee back someway somehow and knowing Bumblebee he can get out like  that mess he's in, he always has, so you don't have to worry alright little lady." Jazz  says to trys to soothes my worrys. "I hope your right." I mumble into his shoulderplate. After those words Jazz rubbed my back with his servor to help sooth me a bit more. I look up at Jazz and smile. " I love you Jazz." I say with love and passion. Jazz looks down at me with a biggest smile I've ever seen. "I love ya to Silverstreak ya always be my little lady." Jazz says softly with love. With that Jazz leans in and press his lip plates on mine softly and I can feel my spark tugging towards Jazz like it wants me and Jazz to bond. Wait does that mean I'm Jazz's bound sparkmate. If so I don't mind it I'm proud to be  his. I won't be like my carrier and leave sire. I won't I'll stay by Jazz's side tell Primus takes us apart. I hope he doesn't take us apart just yet we just found each other.

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