S.S. An obnoxious roommate (Mukami)

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Au where the Mukamis are in college and share a dorm with an obnoxious roommate, how would they act?:D


Ruki - He would take the sensible route and either ignore them or change to a different dorm room. He would also act quite cold and passive aggressive towards his roommate as well by making snide comments and obscure references from books that only he would understand.

Kou - It would quickly turn into a battle of who could be more obnoxious and force the other to leave first tbh. Kou has no problem stooping down to that level if it means that he gets extra closet space and more room to practice his dance routines 😂

Yuma - The obnoxious roommate won't be obnoxious for very long since Yuma would most likely threaten the poor guy to a point of tears in order to clearly secure the alpha role when it comes to the dorm room

Azusa - He would try to become acquaintances with them at first but when the roomie shows their true colors, Azusa would do everything in his power to avoid him so he can stay out of trouble. He would probably ask big bro Ruki for help at some point too which would most likely end up in getting Azusa transferred to another room.

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