Chapter one

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Everyone ran towards the town line there had been a tornado. There stood a girl " where is my ship?"she said  viscously
" Eh what ?" Said regina scoffing
" ok then" she grabs henry by the hair, puts him in a chokehold and grabs her pistol out of its holster loads it with a twist and holds it up to his head, the shotgun was ornate and old looking
"So do you remember yet" said the girl. Regina raised her hands about to cast a spell well
" Aoife??!?" Yelled captain hook in surprise
" Killian??" she said letting go of henry. they ran they ran at each other and hugged pushing people out of the way making sure no one could keep them apart  ,killian lifted Aoife into the air and twirled her around making her skirt fly out
"I missed you love"
"I thought you were dead" said Aoife  crying into his shoulder
"Back away captain" said Rumplestiltskin menacingly
"No" Hook said hugging Aoife close to him
"Its ok" Aoife said walking towards rumple " what" she spat still holding her pistol
"Where did you hear that name"
"What name??? Aoife ?" she laughed
"My mother gave it to me because she used when she disguised her self"
" My ex-wife used it when she disguised her self" they said at the same time
"Oh,your the coward she married, the one she abandoned me for" Aoife said smiling manically
"Wait your mother was.. Mila" hook said sounding confused
"Yes" Aoife said "that means he is my stepdad" she said pointing at rumple
"Well, they had an affair" Rumple said pointing at hook accusingly
" What??!??" Aoife said
"Well...well he killed her"hook said trying to justify himself
"Good riddance" she said almost crying tears of anger
" You changed me Aoife, You changed me" Hook said pleading with her "how does that work though i knew you before i knew her"
"Teen pregnancy"
"Oh"hook said shocked. there was a long pregnant pause " remember the day on the jolly roger when i cried and you found me my hook"
"Yes obviously" Aoife said "It was because of him wasn't it," comprehension appeared on her face " he's the crocodile" she said " well then will you settle this, for me" she said looking from rumple to hook
" For you" said rumple definitively
"For you"said hook shaking rumples hand
"If you hurt the last heir of Mila" rumple said into hooks ear"
By this point the crowd had left
"I thought you were dead"Aoife said crying on killians  shoulder again

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