Chapter two

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*trigger warning for sexual abuse

-flash back-
Aoife walks into a bar full of sailors and pirates it was loud and rowdy she was about to sit down when someone slaps her on the ass Turning around she notice that the man was wearing navy clothes specifically a captains uniform
" your a pretty lady" he says pervertivly Aoife steps back in disgusted but she walks into another navy man
He hits her on the head and she is knocked out.
She wakes up bound to a pole, she is gagged and tied to the pole under her bosom making her breasts look larger her hands where also bound. There where two boys talking to each other while scrubbing the floor
"Oh she is awake" one of the boys said he had steely blue eye and a ponytail
Aoife drew back she was scared of him because he might rape her, its happened to many a girl on this dock
" Oh no need to be scared love, I'm killian and this is my brother Liam" the other boy waved "the rest of the crew is out." Aoife let out a sigh of relief
"Oh ok can you let me go"
"Oh sorry" killian said awkwardly "if you need help again love talk into this" he handed her a  shell 
-End flash back-
"Are you alright love" killian said behind Aoife
"I just miss my ship, I love the jolly roger dont get me wrong but its just not the same as the crimson pearl"
"Well love i have something for you" he pulls out a small bottle with a tiny ship that was around his neck in it he pours it in the water and a full size ship pops up
" Killian you kept it. Oh the pearl has not seen a better day" Aoife said crying with compassion

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