Liar, Liar

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Taylor Renshaw has had her whole life given to her, as far as everyone else can see. Being the most popular girl in school, she has the cutest clothes, the prettiest smile, the best life... but not everything is as it seems. 

Bella Harting is a rebel. She fights for what she believes in, and finds the entire idea of school to be completely overrated. People  usually pay attention to her, just not as much as the principal does.

Paige Thatcher is shy. She's spent her whole life trying her hardest to stay under the radar. She has no reputation, because she has never given anyone a reason to label her. She's practically invisible.

Nicki Goldin is an over-acheiver. Her  parents are obsessed with her education, and that has become her whole priority in life. She almost never takes time off.

Each is a liar. Each was there the day Melody Brancer disappeared. Each is being stalked. Each are being "haunted". And each has become apart of something much bigger then they could have ever imagined.

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