Chapter 18: Owen's advice

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Owen's POV

First class rules. All of the yummy yummy food we get is awsome.

There were cookies, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, chocolate, and the list just goes on.

We were in first class with Team Victory. I wonder how these two made it this far.

They are really making a comeback. Evryone was just relaxing.

Duncan and DJ were talking. And Alejandro went back to loser class to flirt with Courtney some more. And Derick is....

Wait. Where is Derick? I don't see him anywhere. I looked around first class.

I seen him sitting on the ground isolated to himself.

"Hey buddy. What's wrong?" I said, sitting down by him.

Derick burst out crying.

"Oh, Owen. I dragged you into this too. I'm sorry." Derick cried.

"There there buddy. Let it out." I encourage. "I'm gonna get some tissues. And maybe a bag. Be right back."

I came back with a box of tissues and a bag.

"There buddy. Now. Tell big O what's wrong." I said, sitting back down next to Derick.

"Well. It's just. I've just been so stressed lately." Derick said, blowing his nose.

"It's about DJ isn't it?" I asked. He nodded in response.

"It's just that. I've been thinking of the possibilities. I mean. What I'm trying to say is. DJ doesn't feel the same way about me."

"What? No way? Did you asked him out?"

"Well no, but-" Derick started but I cut him off.

"You can't assume how DJ feels about you. I mean. You haven't even asked him. So how would you know how he feels inside?"

"I mean. Look at me? I'm weird, annoying. I'm stressed. I'm not a great person. Everyone on Earth is literally a better option than me. " Derick cried.

"Maybe that's how you view yourself. But have you ever thought of how DJ viewed you?" I asked.

"Maybe he doesn't view me as all those things. But I'm sure that he doesn't-" Derick started but got cut off by me. Again.

"How can you be sooo sure if you never asked?" I asked.

"DJ wouldn't want me. I'm ugly."

"DJ doesn't see you as ugly. He's not like that. He looks on the heart, not on the outer appearance. What matters most, is what's in here." I said, pointing at Derick's heart.

"There's just so much about me that's imperfect, Owen. I mean. I just don't know how my relationship will be after DJ rejects me." Derick cried.

"How can you be so sure DJ will reject you? He loves you so much! You're his best friend Derick." I said.

"But. I can't stop thinking about it. It's been on my mind ever since the island."

"Well you have to stop putting so much stress on your mind. Look. Promise me you'll confess before the show is over."

"Promise you? I can't-"

"What do you got to lose?" I asked.

"EVERYTHING!" Derick cried.

"Yeah but think about what you could gain. He's been your best friend since season one. He's always around you. Now, I want you to promise me you'll tell him how you feel before this season ends. Promise?" I said, holding up my right pinkie.

·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Tᴏᴛᴀʟ Dʀᴀᴍᴀ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Tᴏᴜʀ(DJ X OC) ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·Where stories live. Discover now