Chapter 25: Looking for clarification?

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Derick's POV

About an hour passed during the time I've been laying down with DJ. He was still awake, lightly rubbing his hand through my hair.

He was lightly humming to himself. I could feel his chest vibrate from his humming. I felt a nice breeze of wind blow through my hair.

I suddenly heard the sound of crying. That wasn't coming from me. And DJ does not sound like crying.

I sat up to see Chris crying to Chef. Chef was cradling Chris like a baby.

"Would you mind? I'm trying to get some sleep." Heather complained.

"My plane is gone." Chris cried.

This is honestly disturbing. Usually Chris is all'Killy' like. Last time I checked, DJ was the cry baby of the group.

I layed my head back down on DJ. I started to doze off.

Dream Starts

I suddenly found myself in a white void. There was nothing here. Just a white void. I got up off the ground and stood on my two feet.

"H-hello?" I called out."Hello?" I tried again, but didn't get a response.

I turned around seeing If I could find anything.

"Hello? Does anyone hear me? Or know where I am?" I asked, wandering around.

I didn't receive a response. What is this place? Better yet: How did I get here?

I squinted my eyes to see a brown door with a golden handle on it. I began running towards the door, panting in between each foot step.

I manage to reach the door. I grabbed the door and attempted to pull it open with no luck. I looked to see a key hole.

"I guess I need a key..." I mumbled to myself, turning around."But, where am I gonna find a-" I started, but stopped myself to see a door appear in front of me.

"Whoa. You weren't there last time I checked." I said, still confused as to how that door got there.

I shrugged my shoulders and took a deep breathe. Maybe this door will have that key.

I open the door only to see a green portal. I have no clue what I'm doing, but it doesn't seem like there's no where to go but here.

I took another deep breathe and took a slow step in. I tightly shut my eyes and walked through. I suddenly felt myself falling.


I felt myself fall on a wooden floor on my back.

"Ow." I groaned, rubbing my back.

I looked up to see my father with a knife bothering a younger version of me? How can there be two me's?

Unless that's me from the pass. I seen my father about to swing the knife at child me. I got up off the floor.

"Hey! Leave the kid alone!" I yelled at him.

My so called 'father' looked at me confused.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked me in a familiar tone that I remember as I child."Well, answer me boy. God gave you a mouth for a reason." He glared, drawing his attention to me.

·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Tᴏᴛᴀʟ Dʀᴀᴍᴀ Wᴏʀʟᴅ Tᴏᴜʀ(DJ X OC) ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·Where stories live. Discover now