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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

IMAGINE: You're a drug dealer in search of Klaus, considering he's in debt, and Five catches you snooping around TUA; therefore he knocks you out and ties you up, thinking you're sent by The Commission.

WARNING: Mentions of kidnapping, cursing.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Your footsteps were noiseless, black shoes pattering down against the expensive tile of The Umbrella Academy. Everything was elegant, from ceiling-to-floor. The trims consisted of gold plating, walls plastered with paintings of different sceneries. All of your surroundings made you begin to question if you were in the right house. The house of Klaus Hargreeves. The curly-haired man had become one of your daily customers, a familiar face around the alleyways. He was always itching for another ounce of your finest heroin. Never once did he pay you back, always promising to. It went so far as to him creating a dent in your product. All of your trust and built friendship for him, was broken the moment he backstabbed you for his addiction.

Everyone had warned you of what he was capable of doing. "Klaus has sticky fingers when it comes to his addiction," they would say.

But you chose to never believe the circle's gossip of your supposed friend, until it all became true. He'd acted funny with you, created an alliance, and got exactly what he wanted when your head was turned. Which is why he managed to escape with your profit. Everything you worked hard for, putting all of your sweat and tears into, he took without second thoughts.

This was the moment you were barely gripping onto your last straw. Which is why a hefty-sized pistol was held in the grip of your hands, knuckles gone white. You were hoping Klaus to come around a corner, and take all the loaded bullets to his chest. You were ready to rid the Earth of a manipulator. Hate had taken over, entirely, and now all you could see was red. You were no longer thinking logical, in any sense.

The plan was to get in, kill Klaus, get out. Simplistic.

However, that didn't seem to be what the Universe had in store for your oblivious self. For you had no idea you were walking into the residence of very powerful people, making it a suicide mission. You'd never once heard of The Umbrella Academy, and all that withholds inside of it.

Unlike you, Five had sensed your presence from the moment you stepped foot onto the premises. He was fully aware of his surroundings, and which corner you were going to be in. The boy assumed that you worked for The Commission, and were transported there to assassinate him for all of his wrongdoings. He simply couldn't have that.

Therefore, he had to take you out..

A/N: Not for dinner, either.

With one of his spacial jumps, he teleported himself behind you; effortlessly. Equipped in his small arms was heavy artillery, that he planned to use against you. It was obvious your pistol could do no harm compared to the things he bared. He had already won, and you didn't know it.

There was no time for you to come to the realization, that he was preying on you. He was inches away, ready to take you down to the floor with years of fighting experience. His eyebrows furrowed in anger, lips pursed alongside the negative expression. He was not happy. This was something he definitely didn't have time for. A detour of Commission assassins coming for him, wasn't a road he wanted to take, but seemed to be going down it anyways.

With a thud from your contact with the floor, the handle of his rifle hit against the backside of your head; causing instantaneous blackout.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* TIME SKIP*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Once your eyes fluttered open again, you found yourself struggling against restraints and a pounding headache taking place in your skull. In front of you sat a boy, of young age, a mug of steaming coffee in his hand. He was nonchalantly sipping it, as he watched you struggle; trying to break yourself free from the rope-burn. By looks, he seemed quite unfazed by you rocking the chair back and forth.

"When Hazel and Cha-Cha didn't show up, it surprised me to say the least. Especially since they sent someone as careless as you," He set the cup down onto a paper covered desk, in which he sat atop of, his legs barely reaching the floor below.

It took a moment before he started opening his sarcastic mouth again, but you knew it was coming based upon the face he wore. A face that told you he was thinking what to say. "I expected more of a fight from The Commission, and the fact that I didn't get it, is quite disappointing. They always knew how much of a challenge I liked."

You were confused by his words, not knowing what he was rambling on about and as to why. Considering, you were in the household for payback to Klaus, and that only. This was more personal than anything.

"I don't work for anyone but myself, kid. So why don't you be a good Boy Scout and untie this knot?" You spat, glaring daggers towards the unidentifiable child. His hair was dark, slicked back, and he wore what seemed to be a school uniform. The only thing mature about him, was his words and the tattoo he branded on his wrist; which was an umbrella. Something you'd noticed on Klaus many times. Making you wonder, what kind of cult you just stepped your foot into.

Five's jaw clenched at the clap-back you spoke up, his body hopping down from the desk and making way over to your own. Instead of his normal rifle, he branded a knife. You'd realized he'd had it when it reflected sunlight, beaming you blind for a split second.. "I wouldn't mouth to me like that, you're at a disadvantage here. After all, who's the one tied up?" Amidst his sentence, he placed the cold of the knife up against your throat; threatening to slit it. You could almost feel your life flashing before your eyes, the more he pressed it into your skin.

"Listen, I don't know what a Commission is. I came here for Klaus Hargreeves, the fucker owes me money." Even though you were slightly intimidated by the younger male, you still kept a calm attitude, not wanting him to know that he was getting the better of you. It normally gave the people justice to let them know you're crumbling. Which wasn't something you were having.

Suddenly, the knife was removed from your throat and used to cut the ropes around your wrists; allowing circulation once more.

"Klaus owes everyone money. I don't know how long I've funded his drag habit, but I'm not doing so anymore." He quickly walked back to the cup of coffee, downing the rest of it like alcohol, ready to get on the move with his mission of saving the world. "I don't have time for this. Klaus can handle his own problems like the big boy he is." With his back to you, he grabbed the rifle, and walked outside of the room; leaving you alone in the chair.

Everything happened so fast, that you couldn't begin to process it. Had you just been kidnapped by a thirteen year old boy, and did he threaten to kill you as if it was normal?

"What the fuck am I on?"..

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒚Where stories live. Discover now