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"Lin!? You are adopting me?!" My eyes glance at a guy next to him and smile

"Are you guys together?"

Lin makes his way to me and hugs me tightly

"Yes and yes! This is my partner Jonathan."

Jonathan hold out his hand and smiles

I take it "it's nice to meet you!" I look at them both shocked "your really adopting me!?"

My eyes water up and my smile refuses to go away

Jonathan speaks up

"If thats okay with you... I know some people don't like same sex couples-"

"Are you kidding me! Like I'm going to tell someone who they can not love! I think it's amazing that you two are doing this! And I also can't complain because you two are adopting ME! So what if you happen to like the same sex! Love is love right!"

"It cannot be killed or swept aside"

I smile at Lin "you should be a writer! That was beautiful"

They exchange a look


"Let's talk"


So my future "parents" are kinda famous... scratch that EXTREMELY FAMOUS!!!

I'm really glade they told me before hand because... that's a lot

Am I ready to forever be in the spotlight? I don't think so... I talked to them and because they are both so famous I'm not aloud to have social media until I am 16 IF I want it

We also agreed that my face would not be shown on any of Lin's social media and Jonathan doesn't have any

I'll be moving in with them in a month and after everything is taken care of. For now I get to hang out with them once a week

That means I get to leave school early!!! All of my teachers now know and they are all happy for me. I told my one friend that I have. Her name is Emma she is excited as well!

I can't believe this is finally happening

All because I needed lunch money!

Adopted by Grofflin Where stories live. Discover now