Chapter 5 : My Hero

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if Bakugo is kinda ooc here tell me I'm trying hard lmao

"Y-you're....that kid....." Bakugo said with a shocked face.

"What kid...?"

"D-don't tell me........." His face became red and tears was obviously going to spill down from his eyes.

What he did was unexpected but cliché.

"W-wha?" I asked out of surprise. He hugged me, like wtf earlier he was an asshole. That's because I'm irritating :// and now....he's crying all of a sudden.

"B-bakugo what the hell?"

"Y-you're....*sob*s-shorty...right?*sob*" he asked between his sobs.

"Shorty..hmmm....I somehow remember that nickname. But that just sounded that you slapped me in the gap of our height.." I answered.

"That means *sob* y-you're....that damn Izuki..." He said as his hug tighten. My eyes widened.

How tf did he know?

While me, being the straightforward dude, instead of calming him down and joining him, I said this.

"How the hell this you know man??" I asked him. He pulled away a little and looked at me. "Don't you remember?" He asked. Wow it actually feels good to talk to someone who was yelling a while ago and now just calmly speaking like a normal person.


"It's just a freaking plant!"


"Pffft---- only weaklings need that crap"

"Mission accomplished!"



"I-it's me...Izuki..." He said.
"K-Kacchan...?" I said out of nowhere. But, I think I'm not the only one who said that. (Lmao I was debating if you would say this or Izuku and this was the solution)

Kacchan looked at me, surprised. I looked to the other source of voice. "B-broccoli dude??" I said. Kacchan turned to the said guy, his eyes filled with fear. Broccoli man looked at me wuth shocked eyes. "I-Izuchan?" He said.

He walked towards me. " that you??" He asked with a shaky voice. "Wait, what tf is happening???" I asked then Kacchan pulled away with broccoli man standing next to him. He reachs out his hand and caressed my cheek.


Only one person calls me that!!

"IZUCCHI!!" I yelled and hugged him. Kacchan looked defeated, multiple emotions swirling inside him.

"I'm sorry." I looked at that sorry voice. "For what?" I asked him.

"I'm you and fucking deku..." He clenched his teeth and balled up his fists. "I-I...was at fault why you had to act cool in front of me...because of my superiority......and to deku......I'm fucking's because of me...why you changed....and why you're lonely now...." He said as he cried again.



"Well, Kacchan is Kacchan, how about we go now?" Izucchi said, I looked at him and he gave me a smile, patted my head. "Mhm!" I nodded. We got back to the place where everyone was and it came to the time Aizawa-sensei announced something.

"By the way. No one's going home today." He said. "WHAT?!!!" We all exclaimed. Izucchi looked a little shocked but grinned a little. "Didn't you guys noticed? It's pretty obvious he's just kidding." Some ponytail girl said. "Y-you knew all al-along??!" I asked as I was still shocked.

"Also, picka syllabus. Everyone change. Dismiss." He said as he left us and we went to the dressing room extremely shocked and still can't believe we fell for our teacher's trick.

Dismissal ; Outside the academy

"Come on, Izuchan." Izucchi called out to me. I looked at him, already with Iida. "Hey guys!!" Someone yelled to call out to us. We looked at the source of voice as she was approaching us.

"Iida-kun, and..Deku-kun right?" She asked. "Oh you're that Infinity girl!" Iida commented. "It's not infinity girl! It's Ochaco Uraraka!" She said.

"Deku?" My brother asked with an annoyed expression.

"Huh? But isn't that what that Bakugo kid called you?" She wondered as she thought about it.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, Kacchan only calls me that to make fun of me. And if you don't know, deku means someone who can't achieve anything, in other words ; useless." He answered nonchalantly. What happened bruh?

"Midoriya?! That means you and Midoriya are siblings??" Iida asked. I nodded, "You can just call me Izuki!" I said with my cheery behavior.

"But to me deku means 'You can do it!'" The brunette said. "Then deku it is then." He said.

"It's fascinating you and Midoriya are siblings. I can't believe I didn't noticed the similarities." He said as he fixed his glasses with the cliché anime glint.

"That just stated you didn't use your common sense." I retorted.

"What?! You're siblings?!" She asked in utter shock. "Congrats Iida-san, you have a follower ; Ochaco Uraraka!" I said as I presented her to him. Izucchi chuckled.

"R00d" Uraraka said. "That's not rude, that's what you call my sarcasm." I gave her a thumbs up. She playfully punched me in the shoulder. Then with that, there was a time we had to part ways. "Oh Izuchan..." Izucchi grabbed my attention. "W-would you like to come at our house?" He asked. "Pfft sorry fam I'm not ready." I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Alright." He said then took a pic of me. "WHAT NO!" I yelled and he grinned. "No can do, my sweet Izuchan." He said then ran. I sighed. "I'm too tired, damn it." I cursed under my breathe then went home to Fairy Tail.

Author's PoV (why am I here? Don't know yall)

While the greenette and her friends had a great time, another guy stood with sorrow and jealousy.

"I thought you only had me as your friend.." He gripped on his bag straps tighter and clenched his teeth. His head hung low as he stood there.

"Guess you decided to leave me and go to your new friends.....fuck you...I'll take you back to me." He growled and stomped his way back to his home.

And to Izuku.... He just thanked her in his mind.

"Thanks brought my sanity're my sanity. YES! You ARe...! Now....thanks...your my hero...You will never be apart from me again."


I know it's pretty short and boring. I hope u guys vote or comment at least. It makes me happy just by knowing ur reading this and voting it!


I freakin forgot some details lmao. I know Izuku is a bit possessive and ooc but it's a part of the plot.

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