Chapter 16 : Kidnapped, again

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God dang it, I'm cringing at the drawing ;-; I tried 😤

Btw. -- means another scene.

3rd PoV

'Lotus Heart, what the heck is that?' Is what he thought. He looked at the mission in your hands. He tried to read it but it was useless, it was a different writing of some sort of language in this world and place.

You turned to them and spoke. "Meaningly the kids are being kidnapped by this 'Lotus Heart' bastards." You said. "Hey look! It's reward is ¥200,000 jewels!! We should take it, it should be that worth!" Lucy said enthusiastically with '¥'s in her eyes.

"But what if it's just a false request? It's just some bunch of brats disappearing after their parents irresponsibilities." Gray asked. "Heck yeah, that stripper fucker is right, you losers are just chasing after a bunch of weak brats!!" Katsuki scoffed.

"What did you call me?! You fucking hedgehog?!" Gray snapped. "Oh you wanna fight me?! Then it's on, you pervert fucker!" They put their foreheads againts each other harshly as they were pissed with each other.

Izuku sighed. "You guys should just get a room." Izuku said boredly. "SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!" Katsuki yelled. "You shut the fuck up, Kacchan." He snarled. Katsuki clicked is tounge and yelled a "FUCK YOU" to him and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"How about we should just confirm it, yeah??" You suggested with a grin. "Cool! Let's do that!" Lucy cheered. "Aye!" Happy joined. Natsu then snatched the request from your hands. "Heck yeah! We're moving!!" Natsu cheerfully yelled then went to Mira, saying that they will take the request. Natsu came back with a toothy grin plastered on his face.

"Let's go!" He cheered.

--Timeskip to Train--

"Ugh...." You groaned.

"Get me outta...HERE-" Natsu covered his mouth as he was about to throw up. He was in Lucy's lap, so limp. Lucy sighed as she looked around the train. "You should get over your motion of sickness, Natsu.."

You tried to speak, but hardly could do it. "I-I wish..W-Wendy w-was here..." You then cover you mouth like Natsu, lying limp on your brother who gladly accepted you to lie down on his lap.

"Still..this train is strange.. I mean, the train only has 4 seats each place! Meaning there will be 2 seats by side, so why the hell does this train consists of 3 seats each side?" Gray suspisciously asked. Since two people can't answer, one was busy giving attention to his sister, the other just pissed at the cat who just eats fish, only Lucy could answer him.

"Gray, it's a fanfiction, anything is possible." Lucy said. Gray sighed. "This day is just weird."

"Psst..hey Izuchan." Izuku whispered to you. You could only look at him, as a sign for him to continue on. "Since when did you start going on missions like this?" He asked you curiously. You tried to speak but you immediately covered you mouth quickly, an idea popped on you mind and you do it.

You pull out your phone and unlock it, typing in a memo saying 'since I had my quirk'. He nods and smiles at you, saying that you can just rest now. He caresses you fluffy and curly hair, going to your green locks and patting your head.

"Hey fuck face, how long does this ride goes?" Katsuki asked Happy, while Happy, who got used to him calling him 'Fuck Face', answered usually. "Aye! I don't know!"

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