Chapter 20 : Your name

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Lucy lets out a breathe. She was certain she doesn't trust the green haired male, because of the uneasiness he was giving her. But here she is now, believing, and entrusting the part of saving the kid she treats as a younger sibling.

"Let's do this, Happy!"




The sound of metal clanking againts the floor can be heard, the door opened, revealing the unhooded woman from the last chapters with the vine binding magic, or what she thinks so. She smiled at you, attempting to gain your trust.

"Hello, child." You scoffed. "The name's Izuki excuse you." She frowned. "Izuki? What a false name..." You tilted your head a little, getting confused as she said that. "False? As in fake?" The woman sighed as she walked to the metal table just on the corner where scrolls and herbs were, along with lotuses.

"You'll know soon.."

"Know what?" You decided to dig deeper in the conversation, considering the fact that your curiousity is taking advantage of you now. "The truth." You groaned, feeling the chains that the magic circle created to hold you back. (My imagination of this changed) "Don't worry, it'll be over soon." She assured and walked in front of you, earning a confused look from you.

She shooked her head and inhaled, then put her arms upward, chanting a list of unfamiliar words which you assumed for her spell, then a light of magenta emanated from her as the ceiling disappeared, revealing a very pleasant view right before you. You were shock. "What the.."

She smiled as she looked at the sky filled with heavenly bodies, not to mention the moon, which was unusualy big tonight. You admired sight of the woman smiling, she looked normal, I didn't mean she was abnormal I just meant she looked like any pleasant woman, but her admiring stopped when her smile faded.

She went back to the metal table and did her thing, she suddenly muttered things about "successor" and "unending honesty" things, which you didn't cared about because it's the enemies' plan, they will explain everything later.

You watched as she scurried through the metal table, then took out a syringe from the cabinet below, that contained a magenta fluid, she smiled to herself proudly then glanced at you, her eyes gave you the creeps.

You gulped nervously as she went closer to you. She grabbed your arm and you panicked, resulting to you strangling around, but she hold you down by quickly injecting the fluid inside you, making you scream a blood curdling scream.


After he dashed a super damn inhuman speed, he deactivated his quirk and ran halls by halls to look for the right place you were in. He was frustated. "Izuki!! IZUKI?! Where the fuck are you?!" He grunted but was stopped when he heard a blood curdling scream. He whipped his head towards that direction then dashed, worry taking over him.

As he passed by a door, his ears met with that scream, hurting his ears, making him cover them. "This must be that damn door." He then takes a breath but stops when he heard the screams stopped abruptly, he wastes no time to destroy that door, by kicking it with his foot. Right after that, his eyes met with a pair of rosy pink ones.

"My, my, seems we have company." The woman said as she stood up, Izuku noticing a syringe then he glared at her, the woman gave back her own glare to the green haired boy. "The fuck are you?" He asked, cautiously eyeing the said woman. "Oh me? Well pardon me for my rudeness, I am Haruchi Imazu." He gave a eerie smile, but that didn't affect the greenhead.

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