The Time Chloe Tried to Give Beca the Cure

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Chapter is set after Day Four: Babysitting, goes into The Cure.


Chloe watched as Beca ate. She had just returned home with the three year old, who had been babysat by the Bellas. Chloe didn't know what happened, but she wanted to know. But she knew it would have to wait. She had to give Beca the cure, to change her back to her nineteen-year-old self. As much as Chloe loved having the three-year-old Beca, she had a life. And Chloe missed being to hang out with her girlfriend, as her girlfriend and not child.

Beca grabbed her dinner with her hand and shoved her food into her mouth. She laughed, as Emily tried to clean her up. Emily and Stacie returned home with them, wanting to be there, in case something went wrong.

Beca looked at Chloe. "Mama!"

"Eat Becs," Chloe told the small Halfling. Beca gave Chloe an innocent smile, and giggled. She continued to eat.

Chloe reached into her pocket, and took out a small vile. She looked at Beca.

"Beca, can you take this for me?" she asked, as she looked at the small girl.

Beca looked at Chloe, then at the small thing she was hold. "No."

Aubrey smirked, as she looked at Chloe. She wanted to see that.

Chloe had wished that she could put the liquid in something, anything else. But it was sensitive itself. If any other liquid (with the exception of saliva), destroy the particles, and wouldn't be able to do anything. So if Beca was going to take the cure, it was going to be alone.

"Please Beca," Chloe said. She watched, as Beca shook her head. She jumped off her chair and ran away. She ran as fast as her little legs could take her. She laughed as she ran.

Chloe watched as Beca disappeared, before letting her head fall and smack against the table. "This is going to be fun," Aubrey said, smirking. "You can just use your magic."

Chloe shot Aubrey a glare, as she rubbed her face. She wasn't going to use her magic, not after what it did to Beca. She wanted more practice on her magic, to use real spells on people. There were some spells she was comfortable with, and other she was not. Any spell she needed in the moment were some she was not comfortable with.


Beca stifled her laughed, as she hid in the closet. She placed her hand over her mouth, as she watched the door. She could hear someone walking. She tried to make herself smaller, as she waited for whoever was outside to open the door. She could hear the person get closer, and closer.

The doors were opened, and Beca jumped up. "Boo!" Her head slammed with something.

"Fuck!" she heard her mama cry out. Beca started to run away, but the scent of blood hit her nose. She froze, taking in the sweet scent. She turned to see her mama walk into the restroom. She followed close behind.

Her eyes stayed on the bloody lip. She watched as Chloe wiped the blood.

"Mama? Okay?"

Chloe looked at Beca through the mirror. "I'm fine. But please, take this," Chloe said. She grabbed the vile, and turned around, but Beca was gone.

"Damn it," Chloe muttered, her shoulders slummed over.


An hour later, and Chloe was still looking for Beca. She went to the living room, to see Aubrey and Stacie snuggling next to each other. Emily was there, but she decided to feed.

"Aren't you two going to help me?" Chloe asked, annoyed.

"Nope. Have fun with the bloodsucker," Aubrey said, not looking at Chloe. She pulled Stacie closer and kissed her cheek.

Stacie giggled, and kissed Aubrey's chin.

Chloe sighed, and left them alone.

"You are so mean," Stacie whispered.

Aubrey laughed, and shook her head. "Revenge. Beca was worse when she was a child. And I want Chloe to see how annoying she can be."

Stacie shook her head. "Just image our child," Stacie whispered.

"I just hope she isn't as bad as Beca. Then I won't mind," Aubrey said.

"But if she or he is, would you still love them?"

Aubrey moved over so she could turn and face her girlfriend. "Of course. Our child, whether it's a girl or boy will be a part of you. Of course I'll love them. And maybe, if they are bad, we can get Beca to babysit and it'll be perfect revenge."

Stacie kissed Aubrey's lips. "I love you."

The werewolf smiled against her lips. "I love you too."

"And you do know that if Beca babysits, the kid will become corrupted?"

Aubrey moved back, her eyes wide. "Damn it."


Chloe was losing her mind. She was about to blow. She was so sure she was. She loved Beca, she really did, but she didn't want to deal with her anymore. She just wanted to give her the cure and be done with it. And she wasn't going to force Beca to take it. It just wasn't in her. She was at the end of her rope. If Beca didn't take the cure soon, she was going to give up and try again the next day. She didn't have enough energy to do it. She sat down on the bed, and sighed deeply. She shot up when she heard a small giggle.


It got quiet. Chloe stood up and turned to face the bed. "Becs, if you come out and drink this, you and I can have some ice cream."

Beca stuck her head out. "Ice cweam?"

"Yes, if you take this, we can have ice cream together," Chloe said, as she crouched down in front of the little girl.

Beca seemed to think about it. She looked at Chloe, and at the ground, before she got out from under the bed and walked up to Chloe. She wrapped her arms around Chloe's neck.

"Fun mama. Love you," Beca said. She pressed her lips against Chloe's cheek.

Chloe almost melted from the adorableness. She grabbed the vile and handed it to Beca. She watched closely, as the four year old took it. Beca drank the whole thing, before handing the vile back to Chloe.

The redhead grinned and picked Beca up. "Let's go get some ice cream then."

Beca giggled as Chloe carried her away.

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