Chapter 1

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Virgil POV
I was walking down the halls trying to get to my first period class without being noticed bye any of the other kids. I held my head low and didn't make any eye contact. With anyone. I was never liked by the people in my school they always hated me and called me names like "emo kid" or "virgin" anything just to make me feel like hell. And I already know how much I suck but they always have to rub it in somehow. I walked by the boys bathroom and was about to keep going until I heard someone.......crying? I opened the door slowly only to be startled bye the loud creek it made. The crying stopped so I started to push open the stall doors. I noticed one of them was locked so I knocked. " Hello?" I asked. "Is someone in there?" The door unlocked and someone I never expected to walk out. It was Patton. I was so confused why he was crying. He's always smiling and making lame dad jokes. "Hi virgil" He greeted me with a sad and small voice. "A-Are you ok..?" I asked hesitantly. He looked up at me and looked shocked. "I never heard you talk before." He replied without answering my question. " yeah I don't talk to anyone at school." I confessed. "But why not?" He asked with concern in his eyes. I was taken back by this. No one ever cared about me. "Because... n-no one likes me" he looked sad and put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "I like you" I couldn't help but smile back. Not to big and not to noticeable but it was there. "Hey why were you cr.." I was about to ask him again on why he was crying the bell rang. "Oh gotta go. Bye Virg!" He yelled as he ran out of the bathroom.

~time skip~

I was sitting in my forth period class listening to music when something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see a crumbled up piece of paper. I grabbed it and read it.
'Hi virg I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me and Logan today.'
I looked behind me to see Patton sitting three chairs behind me. He smiled at me and I nodded my head and turned back around. I looked at the clock and noticed that we only had 5 minutes left till the bell rang so I started to pack up my stuff until I heard the teacher call my name. "Virgil what do you think your doing? We still have 5 minutes left of class." I looked at him with my cheeks red in embarrassment. " I was just getting ready sir." I answered in a small voice. He crossed his arms and looked at me. "Virgil can you speak up for once your to quite." He said and the whole class started to laugh. I looked back at Patton and noticed he wasn't laughing. I looked around the room to notice one other person who wasn't laughing also. I don't remember his name but he is the smartest person in this school. I looked back at the teacher and was about to repeat myself but he cut me off. "See me after class Virgil." I nodded and was about to sit back down until the bell rang so I decided to put the rest of my stuff in my bag and go to the teachers desk. He looked at me and started to write something down. I looked at him confused when he handed me the paper. "Just in case you need a reminder." I looked at the paper and got really pissed off. I crumbled it up and put it in my pocket while storming out of my history class. I was walking up to my locker then got slammed into it. I knew exactly who was doing this. "Hey watch where your going fag!" It was deci. He's such a snake I hate him. I was about to keep walking but one of his gang members stopped me. "J-Just leve m-me alone." I tried to defend myself but failed miserably. "You want me to leave you alone? Now why would I do that when I have to teach you a lesson for being an emo fag." He spit on my face before punching me in the stomach. I fell to the ground holding my gut when I felt someone kick me In the face I moved my hands to protect my face but it failed. I was being kicked from all different angles until I got kicked one more time to the face and everything went black.

Hi it's me. Um so this is my first story sorry if it sucks so far I am planning on updating Monday's Wednesday and Saturdays thanks for reading my story so far hope you like it.

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