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•Sadie Sink•

Sadie Baby😉

oh gosh sadie you weren't suppose to read whats up there^

Sadie Baby😉🤫
hey finn it's alright

gosh sadie im so stupid!
i gtg bye

Sadie Baby😉🤫
no finn
please dont go
i need to tell you something



Sadie sighed as she threw her phone onto her bed. She couldn't understand why Finn wouldn't talk to her. Was he embarrassed? Did he already get over me? What was wrong with him. Was he regretting everything he said?

Sadie shook all her thoughts away as she drifted to sleep.

Sadie woke up. She suddenly remembered the events that happened last night. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She had to talk to him. But she knew she couldn't. He wouldn't reply to her. Sadie sighed as she thought of her situation.

She likes him and he likes her.
But he doesn't know she feels that way too.

Sadie knew Finn didn't want to talk to her. But she had to try.


Sadie Baby😉🤫
we need to talk

we have nothing to talk about

Sadie Baby😉🤫
we do! and you know we do!

sadie i know how this will end
it always ends the same!
at the end of this conversation you're going to hate me and i'm going to still love you!

Sadie Baby😉🤫
well it's different now

no it isn't
you know it isn't

Sadie Baby😉🤫
you and i both know it's different now

then how is it different.
please i want to know

Sadie Baby😉🤫
i can't tell you now

See! It Isn't Different!
Now leave me alone!

Sadie Baby😉🤫
Please talk to me


Sadie shut her phone off. She was furious at the boy. She just couldn't tell him she likes him over text. She just couldn't.

Then an idea popped inside her brain.

Sadie quickly got changed and left her house.
She sprinted through her neighbours yards. She ran from one house to the other. Until she made to the one and only Finn Wolfhard's home.

Here goes nothing.

Sadie suddenly knocked on the Wolfhard's front door. To her surprise Finn opened the door.

"Sadie pl-." Sadie then cut off whatever Finn was saying and kissed him on the lips.

Finn was shocked at first, but then he started to kiss back. Sadie then pulled the kiss apart, although she wanted more.

"Sadie?" Finn asked.

"Finn, I like you. No, I still love you. I was too blind to realize it. I told you this time it's different, and now you know why." Sadie admits.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Finn smiled.

Sadie smiled and went in for another kiss.

"Woah. I hope you do that every time you say yes to me." Finn said as Sadie laughed.


The End.

Im sorry if this isn't the ending you

I'm so so so grateful for everyone who has been here since day one! I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys. I mean 1k reads! I could never do that without the people who ate reading this RIGHT NOW.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

-Whales Squad

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